Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 it appeared to me little short of a miracle that a hard , matter-of-fact scientist should have been able to establish a real friendship with wild , freeliving animals , and the realisation of this fact made me feel … as though man 's expulsion from the Garden of Eden had thereby lost some of its bitterness .
2 This was hardly music to Britain 's ears : the Labour government had vigorously resisted all such overtures since 1945 .
3 Norwich had rarely seen such a large exhibition of contemporary art involving alternative art practices .
4 Corbett had rarely seen such beauty .
5 Since he became first their prisoner and then their enforced guest , Nicholas had rarely met all his present masters ; and had thought it best not to seek their company .
6 ‘ I had rather do that , ’ she said .
7 The National Rifle Association , the powerful lobby which had successfully blocked most gun controls , announced its support for a national computerised system to check prospective gun-buyers for possible criminal records .
8 Both Anglicans and Nonconformists had successfully controlled many school boards since their establishment in 1870 , assisted by the low turn-outs in school board elections .
9 The organisation he had so painstakingly built up had successfully weathered several crises over the past week .
10 Wheeler , who was junior to them both , who had contrived to have the best set of rooms in the office and who had successfully requested both men to wait on him , cleared his throat to announce that he was ready to start the discussion .
11 When an energetic Government manager had successfully concentrated much of the available patronage in his hands throughout the country , the chance of obtaining very much without paying active court to the great man was slight .
12 The CEGB 's video did not mention this study , which had effectively quashed any scientific doubt over what caused acidification .
13 She could think better in the darkness , and Gay 's letter had effectively banished all desire to sleep .
14 ‘ There has been a lot of bad news on aircraft building programmes since we bought Dowty , ’ says Mr Garner , ‘ but we had effectively discounted all that in our acquisition financial modelling .
15 Afterwards , when he [ Chlothar ] had gladly received these titles from his older brother [ Childebert ] , he considered in his own kingdom what ought to be added there , and what further should be included , and he ordered clauses 84 to 63 [ for 93 ? ] to be fixed .
16 They also had little experience either of designing parts together with the customer or of having the customer inspect ( and interfere with ) the suppliers ' own factories .
17 The result was that public perception of My Lai was crucially altered and Americans came to believe that Calley and his men had inadvertently killed some Vietnamese civilians in the heat of battle .
18 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
19 President François Mitterrand came under attack both from the opposition and from within his own Socialist Party ( PS ) early in September for his ambivalent initial reaction to the Soviet coup against Mikhail Gorbachev ( although he had swiftly reversed this impression in a television appearance two days later ) .
20 Eventually he became the school 's headmaster but by that time his rather late marriage had somewhat tamed this fiery individual .
21 The theological justification behind such an approach ( not that I had necessarily thought this out at the time when I was a member of the church ) must surely be that God 's will must be held to be one with what is good , and therefore what Christianity proclaims can not differ from human ethical goods .
22 Although the Critique had been intended to rescue Marxism from the sclerosis of Stalinism , Sartre found that his theory of history , far from explaining what had gone wrong when the most radical political theory turned out in practice to be one of the most oppressive , had rather shown why it had necessarily happened that way .
23 At his own suggestion , Reg said Singh had personally removed that clause from my contract with his nail clippers .
24 The protest vote theory , though valid , was not sufficient to explain why 2 million adults took the trouble to vote for organic smallholders and kindred green souls who had hitherto made little impression on the political scene .
25 Even Admiral Hyman Rickover , father and all-powerful master of the US Navy 's nuclear programme , who had hitherto blocked all Anglo-American collaboration in nuclear submarine development and had a well-known contempt for all things British , agreed not only to Britain purchasing an American reactor for her first nuclear submarine , Dreadnought , but also for the reactor to be the most recent second-generation version , thus saving Britain valuable time and development costs .
26 This went further than previous decisions , which had hitherto required some independent illegality in the conduct of the person whose conduct was called in question .
27 Although the committee accepts the DTp 's contention that individual pollution accidents had hitherto had little effect , it believes that the rise in incidents in the crowded North Sea and English Channel is a serious " cause for concern " .
28 They had all reached that stage following a crisis , which can often be more difficult than the crisis itself , when it is no longer a matter of one superhuman push , but husbanding resources for an indeterminately prolonged period of stress .
29 No doubt they had all felt this melting ecstasy .
30 Malaya , the princely states of India , Fiji , Natal , the Gambia , had all experienced some form of indirect administration .
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