Example sentences of "had [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We simply had nothing else to say .
2 What you needed was a Gofer : someone who had nothing else to do but look after you and your team .
3 The lasses carded wool or span whenever they had nothing else to do , just as at home .
4 She probably had nothing else to do .
5 It was my decision , mainly because I had nothing else to do .
6 However , this did not suggest that they became pregnant by default or because they had nothing else to do , rather motherhood was a central focus of their lives ( Phoenix , 1987 ) .
7 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
8 This sub-committee had nothing else to do and the members carried out their task well : the delegates were all comfortable ! ( 6 ) Noting how the committee is proceeding is made more or less difficult according as the Chairman is less or more efficient .
9 and I played football in the street with the boys cos you had nothing else to do , you had nowhere else to go in my time !
10 I had nothing else to do , so I just started pushing .
11 I insisted that Eric should take it seriously and , as he had nothing else to do , work hard at his grammar , because I knew that if he left the hospital knowing hardly any Italian he would surely be recaptured .
12 After checking for passports and air travel tickets we had nothing else to do but wait for our taxi .
13 The original purpose of the meeting — to discuss her discoveries in Oxford , and ask his advice on what to do next — had been overtaken by events , but she had nothing else to do that evening , and Tracey was usually good company .
14 I had nothing else planned for the evening .
15 Karelius had nothing else to go on , besides which he owed the Hapsburgs ' man something for saving his life .
16 Ooh you 'd think they had nothing else to spend their money on it , I think it 's silly , there 's enough words in the dictionary
17 but you had a eight to finish with which is finishing and a one , two , three might not be and a better run so I think I would have been tempted to finish with the ace flush there try and stop me rather than trying to win it cos you had nothing else did you ?
18 The sight , the little bit of life and light in all the darkness , fascinated but had nothing else to tell them .
19 They were all bored out of their minds , had nothing else to think about except bed .
20 She had nothing else to offer them .
21 The Norwich Union told us it had nothing else to add .
22 She knew that he had nearly finished with the Jacobites ; and as far as she was aware he had nothing else lined up .
23 He certainly had nothing even resembling pension rights .
24 I had nothing further to do with Sally but she did n't seem to be bothered when I passed her in the street without speaking .
25 He was only too conscious that he had nothing really to do : his hands strayed from time to time above his freckled face to adjust his headgear .
26 Francis who stopped talking only sometimes , and Marina the theatre director who listened and had everyone else listening , a perfect example of it 's not what you say , it 's the way you say it .
27 There was the Engineer Officer , in civil life a garage proprietor , who lined up his wooden aeroplanes on the tarmac every morning and had them well hosed down .
28 When the Cid heard this he gave command to store all his Castles , and had them well repaired .
29 When he had them so placed , he spurred ahead and drew dear , and the archers cut them down like corn .
30 Bishop Cosin 's original colours of the roof , from the seventeenth century , were discovered during the restoration and Ramsey had them brightly restored .
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