Example sentences of "had [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its function had eventually been fourfold .
2 During the war years , the Russian artist had rarely been able to sell his work and he took to following Zborowski round like a shadow , hanging about outside the Rotonde .
3 As Prime Minister he had mostly been popular and happy , although bearing heavily even the limited press of public work which his economy of effort prescribed .
4 Paul wondered if he had perhaps been remiss in his lectures with all that had happened ; but it was not that , as it turned out .
5 The important point is that it should be used at a time when for some reason pressure is to be taken off members of the class — putting them in what is virtually a ‘ spectator ’ role can give them time to recover from what had perhaps been inadequate non-projected work .
6 Her choice of occupation , she realised , had perhaps been fore-ordained , written into the scheme of things like some genetic prescription , laid down by her mother 's inclinations .
7 He began to think that he had perhaps been unfair to Tess , and he thought about her with growing affection .
8 Jacob , sharing in her delight , thought that he had perhaps been wrong to worry .
9 The implication of all this is that such places had perhaps been important as estates or administrative centres as well as having marketing functions long before late Saxon times and thus could be developed into true towns fairly easily .
10 What had hitherto been regional versions of folk and country music now joined with the former ‘ racist ’ music of the coloured population , creating through cross-fertilisation modern , i.e. ‘ pop ’ , music .
11 His father 's brother , Gloucester had hitherto been loyal to a fault .
12 This " self-determination " speech , as it became known , was probably the most important that he delivered during the Algerian conflict — not because it expressed radically new ideas , but because it expressed openly and in concrete terms what had hitherto been implicit .
13 He exploited a temporary lull in affairs to extract more concessions from the Romans than had hitherto been possible .
14 The point had hitherto been unclear .
15 Adjustment to their customers ' needs compelled them to establish an international presence that had hitherto been unnecessary .
16 The increasing amount of business to be handled meant that more and more decisions were now taken by officials , even merely middle-ranking ones : it was no longer possible for almost every question to go to the minister himself for final decision , as had hitherto been normal .
17 Half-built houses had hitherto been exempt from local taxes and the country was full of new ‘ housing developments ’ , which amounted to little more than forests of concrete stumps and rusty struts and braces .
18 Papers which had hitherto been forthright thus became slavish and sycophantic .
19 Every other sound that she had hitherto been conscious of — the distant bleat of sheep in the field , the wind in the trees , the mewling cry of a hawk far above her — disappeared , vanished from her awareness .
20 A police report submitted to a congressional commission the same month stated that García Meza , ignoring a Supreme Court restriction on his movements , had hitherto been able to move freely around the country under military protection .
21 The Westernizers and Slavophiles who had hitherto been able to voice their opinions only with extreme caution embarked upon a deliberate policy of circulating handwritten memoranda .
22 In September 1989 , it was reported that the Home Secretary had begun a series of private discussions with public officials including the Lord Chancellor , the Lord Chief Justice ( who had hitherto been reluctant to participate in such discussions lest they were seen as prejudicing judicial independence ) and the senior Lord Justice of Appeal .
23 He pointed out my Marvin as being a prototype he had made in 1964 , and said how the beech neck on my model was later fitted with a trim , and how the position of the 3-way selector switch was altered from vertical to horizontal following a request from Hank himself , knowledge that had hitherto been unknown to me .
24 The government on June 13 revealed the exact levels of defence spending , which had hitherto been secret .
25 He wanted a reserved figure because previous applicants had all been loud and pushy .
26 After dinner in the drawing-room the children , fierce now with the determination to stay awake on such an evening — for even though dinner had been very early to accommodate them , they had all been awake since dawn — clamoured for games .
27 The president claimed that only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran and that it had all been legal .
28 But what that picture was leading me to ask was something he had quoted Plato as asking — whether it had all been worthwhile , his whole life ?
29 But it had all been real .
30 But then , those few of Elise 's men friends whom Merrill had met had all been charismatic in one way or another .
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