Example sentences of "had [verb] a very " in BNC.

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1 He said he thought I had developed a very strong activity programme , and that my rapport with the guests was incredible .
2 As it happened I had heard a very similar point being put to a group of Belfast managers from top insurance companies a few days previously .
3 All the same , when he had finished stubbing the cigarette out he had given a very shrewd and pertinent answer …
4 And the next fortnight I would be on the afternoon shift , which meant getting the same distance , to half past two to work till They were eight hour shifts you see and the night shift likewise had to come a very er a tremendous number from working at the Ford Motor Company at Dagenham ev even in those days , travel from various places .
5 ‘ Because , ’ said Henry , ‘ she had caught a very serious disease . ’
6 He had come a very long way in the decade since his wife had failed to win a Belfast Corporation seat !
7 She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge the fact that she had come a very long way since those days when she had been a thin , gawky adolescent .
8 Malcolm had designed a very nice women 's mac .
9 However , she had met a very nice lady from Pinner who said why did n't she come along with the Lionisers ' visit to Fort House that afternoon .
10 There were plenty of excuses ( she had endured a very bad journey to Paris , the going was appallingly heavy , and her regular jockey William Lane was injured and could not take the ride ) , and she resumed her winning ways later that month with an easy stroll in the Free Handicap at Newmarket .
11 The Pretender nearly gave the game away by holding his skirts too high crossing a stream : ‘ some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman , who looked like a man in woman 's clothes . ’
12 Mr Hopkin expressed his opinion that we had done a very good job in our efforts , he then gave his professional advice
13 The therapist judged that Margaret had made a very serious attempt to kill herself , that she was severely depressed and a continuing suicide risk , Although Margaret felt that nothing could be done to help her she agreed to be admitted to a psychiatric unit .
14 Because the bang had made a very loud nossy !
15 Eve had written a very neat correct letter saying that she accepted the invitation with pleasure .
16 Philip had written a very conciliatory letter to her father , hoping they 'd accept him as a son-in-law .
17 He had trod a very narrow path , fraught with danger ; had he been wrong on any detail , it would have spelt disaster .
18 But being steeped , like them , in the philosophy that if one did a job at all one might as well do it splendidly — or at least a good deal better than the Braithwaites — he had built a very decent stone school with a walled yard and a tiny house attached for the use of the teacher , where anyone who paid him rent for his mill-cottages or any of his other employees who resided elsewhere might send their children — to suit the convenience of the teacher — free of charge .
19 Few people paid much attention to Easy Rider until the previews , and slowly word got around that Fonda and Hopper had produced a very good film .
20 Her mother had died a very short time ago , in reality , and Jenna had been more than capable of dealing with her own well-being .
21 From the first , he had been selflessly understanding about my own war , and we had had a very happy marriage .
22 On the whole , her father had had a very easy life of it , too easy .
23 The National Deaf and Dumb Society , the first ever national organisation for deaf people in Britain , had had a very short-lived existence — a mere 6 years — before it dissolved in internal strife in 1885 .
24 I had had a very successful indoor season , set a British indoor record at 200 metres and a personal best at 60 metres , and gained my first individual international selection .
25 She agreed , but pointed out that she had had a very happy childhood , being the youngest of eight children in Ireland .
26 The visit intended to boost her morale had had a very different effect .
27 The glass used up to that time had had a very poor ‘ memory ’ .
28 I wanted Duke Michael to think that I was still very ill , so we told the newspapers that the King had had a very serious accident .
29 By the time Corrie 's wedding took place Philippa was over the worst of her sadness and in a good position to enjoy it to the full — ; the closest to the centre of the ceremonies , yet fancy free ; and she had had a very good time — much affectionate sympathy from aunts and cousins , and husbands of aunts and cousins , and admiration and flirtation and kissing enough .
30 The artist had had a very quiet day , mainly lying in bed .
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