Example sentences of "had [verb] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , that 's a good start ! ’ she thought , looking around in the hope that someone had witnessed so successful a landing , but of course they had n't .
2 Not when he had stooped so low , exploited the fact that she was a woman , used his own sexual ego to ridicule her and dominate .
3 Corbett grinned his acknowledgement and continued into the abbey , pleased that the journey was done and the information he had received so helpful .
4 The girl who had stared so hard at-Eileen darted through and closed the door .
5 While the others seemed still obsessed with the catastrophe of 1870 , Pétain was assiduously and pragmatically studying more recent campaigns such as the Boer War and the RussoJapanese War of 1905 , where the defence had given so good an account of itself .
6 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
7 How pitiful , that it had fallen so low .
8 In cotton weaving rates in 1808 had fallen so low that weavers were reported to be working upwards of fifteen hours , even to twenty , but as an employer remarked it was an impossible situation to sustain and a man would not choose to work eighteen hours if he could live from the labour of twelve .
9 Often she had to work so hard to overcome her paralysing shyness that what she had to say burst out in a shout , or in a tone of great fierceness .
10 Did you ever think it was unfair that you had to work so hard for so little money ?
11 had to work so hard for it perhaps , you see .
12 And there was a satisfaction about it although I always think in those days we had to work so fast that there was n't the time to do what you 'd really like to have done for the patients .
13 Passing the two horses that had looked so sad and bedraggled that first day , she lingered to watch them .
14 I told him that ever since listening to my father 's vivid descriptions of Constantinople I had always wanted to visit the city , but that I had been sadly disillusioned by the Turks I had seen on my way to the Embassy ; they had looked so incongruous in second-hand European clothes .
15 And she had looked so well since her marriage , so calm and composed and so Well , not matronly , at any rate , as wicked Lizzie Braithwaite had suggested .
16 His skin , which had looked so moist and fungoid , was now smooth and clear , his flesh firm .
17 That was why Luke had looked so tense , she 'd forgotten .
18 They had n't wanted to , very much ; the little mining town was desolate and ugly and the only hotel smelled of stale beer and greasy chips , but Carrie had looked so different suddenly , so happy and ironed-out and eager , that none of them had said so .
19 Both stockings were laddered , her hair had started to come down , and her new floral suit , which had looked so smart in London , was sticking to her .
20 We did not promise ; but before we went back I asked them what had happened to the prisoner who had looked so funny escaping on a mule .
21 These troops , clearly oblivious to danger , were at first thought to be a Dutch contingent , and had come so close that the Bren gunner could fire only two magazines before grenades knocked out his weapon .
22 But one look at the lacklustre picture presented by the normally spirited Harriet convinced Meredith that she was not even aware the protesters were there , let alone that she had approached so close .
23 Being Mario , that brought to mind his mother crying back in the camps because there was n't enough food to put on the table , and that led to considerations of the importance of the family in his life , of the value of tradition , thoughts of how Italian he was as well as American , of the kind of clean life America had offered , of his gratitude , of his feeling for his father who 'd made this giant move at such cost to himself , who had suffered so long and who now saw some chance for his kids of bettering themselves .
24 For to revile this troublesome boy at this moment was to damage whatever claim Ramsey had to the stake for which the bold wretch had made so perilous a bid .
25 A report in the International Herald Tribune at the end of August suggested that the Khmers Rouges were keeping away from the UN disarmament process because their forces had grown so small that they would lose influence if the numbers were made public .
26 She had grown so tall and disrespectful that the old woman was afraid to hit her .
27 The drive against corporations was carried out in the same spirit ; the only reason why the Whigs and Nonconformists had grown so influential in corporation politics was because the Corporation Act of 1661 had not been properly enforced .
28 This sparring routine of theirs had grown so familiar that her brain had more or less switched to automatic .
29 Support in South Ronaldsay and the neighbouring island of Burray had grown so strong , and there was so much anger , that it was decided within the community that this strength should be channelled into action .
30 Paviour 's uneasiness and distaste had grown so palpable by this time that his rigid bones looked tensed to breaking point .
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