Example sentences of "had [verb] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 This morning , as always when they had made love the previous night , she had been short and bad-tempered , complaining of a headache .
2 Ever since they had made love the night before she had wanted nothing more than to continue touching him .
3 We ate piroshky and bouillon and fragolli told us what sort of morning he had had negotiating the sale of girdles .
4 They walked , he directing her , to the small drawing-room where they had had tea the first afternoon .
5 Müller had smelled trouble the moment she said who she was .
6 He carried a letter to Rebecca , as well as others , to the merchants of Spitalfields , the sponsors who had loaned Kit the means to equip the Hopewell on the outward journey .
7 They had laid waste the entire north of the country and in 449 they arrived at the university town of Stamford .
8 A forty-year madness , he had called it , one which had laid waste the best years of her young life ; yet he was back in the thick of his obsession now , and so elated by his own recent progress that he lacked the time to ask about her own .
9 He had left school the previous December , having failed to get into Cambridge , and was due to go to Essex University in September .
10 Walter Sherfield , who had started school the year before , remembers the time well , particularly during the long hot summer days when lessons were held out in the open , under the old oak trees .
11 As no form of updating had taken place the room was in need of considerable physical repair … much of the stock dated back to the school 's opening and was therefore unsuitable for the pupils and curriculum of today .
12 And when she had woken and eaten everything the femme de menage had left for lunch plus some extra eggs and some ham , she was no longer certain what had taken place the night before .
13 On 20 May 5 Corps had reported to Eighth Army on the meeting which had taken place the previous evening between Brig Low and Col Ivanovitch .
14 But since no one had told me about what had taken place the night before , I had no idea of what advice they would give .
15 But he had discovered that-joining the police had , for one reason or another , cut him off very largely from his old source of supply .
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