Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] by " in BNC.

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1 She did n't love her husband , or even have any great affection for him , but she was mindful of the predicament in which he had placed himself by marrying so far beneath him , and she was going to make certain he never had cause to be ashamed of her .
2 This huge increase caused concern among many deputies , but Pavlov had justified it by saying that it took account of forthcoming wholesale price rises and would actually represent a fall in real terms .
3 Our relationship had formed itself by an aggregation of layers .
4 Sister Murphy had been the last nurse to be with Sister Edith Cavell , and King George V had honoured her by making her the first to receive a medal for bravery at one of his levees .
5 Of relics of ‘ Our Henry 's ’ birth , the chateau of Pau keeps a single , peculiar example : the large turtle-shell supposed to have served him for a cradle , once his grandfather had christened him by rubbing his lips with a clove of garlic and a dab of Jurançon wine .
6 But because she had not felt ready to go to bed with him he had punished her by trying to destroy her self-confidence .
7 Rex and I had annoyed him by belittling the Levellers over lunch and there was no reasoning with him when he got into one of his self-righteous moods , so we left him to it .
8 The bagman-fox , now on home ground , had delayed them by running up a long culvert .
9 Sarah told Maureen that she had received one by the same post .
10 Marshka had received it by fax at his dacha , as they all had .
11 In an instant Merrill 's anger had consumed itself by its own intensity .
12 And although I had disappointed her by going into ‘ trade ’ , I was still the son of the house .
13 Folly had to stifle the impression that he had conjured it by magic — or called it like a horse .
14 Mime ( in Les Misérables ) , a big leading role ( Professor Higgins ) , a virtuoso turn ( as an American businessman in Youth At The Helm , he had impressed everyone by talking into five telephones at once — everybody in Taibach talked about it : Cis heard accounts ‘ up and down the street ’ ) , work on the radio and , above all , those scrupulous sessions in Ma Smith 's front room and on the high hills , schoolteacher and pupil , two sons of miners in Wales , striving to speak the language of Shakespeare faultlessly .
15 The winter had caught them by surprise .
16 Billy had caught him by surprise .
17 Oh , he had told lies and they had trapped him by asking for the names of other English agents in Paris .
18 I asked the villagers if they had seen him and Mr Natchet , the postman , said he had met him by the front gate when delivering letters about a month ago .
19 Matron had prepared herself by carrying a ‘ Scutari ’ lamp .
20 In the eighteenth century at least one French nobleman refused the offer of the St Petersburg embassy because of the warning example of others who had ruined themselves by accepting it .
21 Boesky claimed that he had put £40,000,000 into the Guinness share support scheme ; when Guinness shares subsequently slumped , he claimed that the company had compensated him by agreeing to invest $100,000,000 in his arbitrage investment fund .
22 Every morning we were read a verse from the Bible and had to remember it by heart .
23 He had to choose it by himself because Agnes did n't stay long .
24 When I expressed my appreciation of the honour he had done me by inviting me to his coronation , he replied that as the eldest son of his trusted friend , to whom he owed so much , it was proper that I should be present .
25 He had done it by convening his kin and friends and other nobles in his support .
26 The last thing she wanted was to be a pawn between the two of them , and was n't that just what Rune had made her by drawing deliberate attention to himself on the stage before making an exhibition of both of them ?
27 King John , they said , had granted them by charter the right to pasture their animals and to take housebote and firebote in Lonsdale Forest without payment , but they had lost the charter during the disturbances at the end of his reign .
28 His father had wounded another bull in the same herd , but not mortally , and although they had tracked it by a faint blood trail for an hour , in the end , to the senator 's ill-concealed irritation , they had been forced to abandon the search .
29 It had been converted some years before Miss Dalgliesh had bought it by the addition of a flint-faced , two-storey building with a large sitting room , smaller study and a kitchen on the ground floor and three bedrooms , two of them with their own bathrooms , on the floor above .
30 She was too angry to run down at once to Electricity , had to calm herself by walking briskly around the streets , postponing thoughts about her father till later .
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