Example sentences of "had [verb] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 During training Catherine had to acquire a few hair-raising skill such as flying upside down and rescuing the aircraft from a stall .
2 Normally he enjoyed staying over at the firm 's northern hospitality suite which was situated above their offices — bloody hell , he had treated a few girls to his own style of hospitality there enough times — but tonight it was all wrong .
3 As soon as he had completed a few successful assignments , word was passed around and more business came his way .
4 I had heard a few comments , such as : ‘ Oh !
5 Lugh had heard a few extremely surprising tales about Her Majesty and Fergus , but he had not gossiped , because Longhands did not gossip .
6 ‘ The Missus ’ was about as inappropriate a soubriquet for Onyx Muggeridge as could be imagined , and Mike Pumfrey , who had heard a few scraps about her already , registered this .
7 Erm there 's another one that a lot of came up with one or two had heard a few before and they all groaned and then accused you of making them all up !
8 The man 's foot had broken a few spokes and the chain had come off , but there was no other damage .
9 Aubrey , watching the three excitedly making plans , was sensitive enough not to mention the news he had received a few days ' earlier from his mother — that Madeleine and Dunbar were coming home with the regiment .
10 She had received a few blows in her time , but after the first shock she had swung back .
11 He said McPherson had stopped a few hundred yards on , gone to the boot of his car , returned and suggested they go back to Tarbert .
12 He had never been to a theatre in London , but he knew now , after the performance she had given a few minutes ago , that Mother Bombie was the greatest actress in the world .
13 One English girl had fallen a few yards behind her companions and , as thirty spectators looked on , lost her daysack , with its camera , cash and diary , in a tug-of-war with the thief .
14 They ran for the shelter of a large chunk of dislodged temple that had fallen a few metres away .
15 Here and there the doctor had added a few words .
16 Instead , after I had anointed a few of the more important Poles with precious substances , I built a dam system .
17 Sometimes the photographs seemed exactly the same , or so it appeared until , somewhere in the frame , I would realise that a rock had rolled a few feet or yards , a tree was missing , a scarp subtly altered , and one had the sense of some immensely leisured , tranquil calibration of infinity .
18 The ground either end of the bridge had dropped a few inches .
19 It was not completely unknown because my father had let a few art lovers see it , and , later on , some researchers into Modigliani .
20 Then , even as it dawned on her that the flowers had probably been placed there by lovers , so , as she looked up again into the dark eyes of the tall Czechoslovakian , she all at once knew why it was that her breath had caught a few seconds ago .
21 Joe 's father had worked for her father , and Joe himself had earned a few shillings helping out , when he was a scrawny boy with a runny nose .
22 If only it had come a few years earlier .
23 The pension had attracted a few more guests than Herr Zimmerman 's complaints had given him to expect .
24 To Fokine , Les Sylphides was mimed dance because he had incorporated a few conventional gestures into his choreography .
25 On Boxing Day I had accepted a few spoons of gravy , but only after considerable coaxing from Mick , having refused it twice already .
26 She was not in the habit of ogling men , and although , over the past few months , she had accepted a few invitations to dinner or the theatre , none of her dates had even remotely magnetised .
27 He had met a few he had liked , but they all had lacked something , he thought ; some mysterious quality which Miriam Durkin alone possessed .
28 She was one of the hardest toms he had ever met in his life , and he had met a few , but she had one vice : she was a dyke and liked the young girls .
29 They were two of the biggest lunatics he had ever met , and he had met a few in his time .
30 They had met a few days after Mina had stood up at the end of a recital in the Usher Hall at Edinburgh to announce that she would very much like to stay here in England ( a tiny mistake the Scots reporters had kindly ignored ) rather than return to East Germany .
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