Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Er there would have been some cases where that had happened erm and clearly the nationalists had withdrawn from most of southern China into , into south west China and therefore erm th th there 'd been er and there was quite a lot of fighting going , still going across south China so i it 's not quite the same .
2 ‘ There are always survivors , ’ she said , and told me about cancer patients given six months to live by conventional doctors , whom she had sustained over several years .
3 She had guessed by that time that , since he had n't yet stated why he 'd waited an hour to see her , he was saving what he 'd come to tell her until they were inside her flat .
4 As he spoke , he reached out for the hand that was nearest to him , uncurling her fingers from the tense fist they had formed without any difficulty as the contact had its inevitable effect on her .
5 They had referred to all the relevant authorities and had properly understood the principles and so could not be said to have erred in law .
6 They carried the body to the brake compartment and carried on their journey ; others had jumped from that bridge and there would be more .
7 This was still the post-war England of austerity and ration books — full of those coupons that young Jenkins of the Port Talbot Co-op had treated in such a cavalier manner .
8 We were greatly influenced by the work of the FMS and some of us had collaborated with that organization back in 1968 during the teachers ' massive strike .
9 He said he 'd expire if he had to sit on that high stool much longer .
10 No it was nice now but I had to sit like that with my arms up my sleeves .
11 It was about three weeks later when I happened to notice that the pupil of this eye had dilated to such an extent that it was now noticeable to everyone .
12 Who could fail to be stirred by the thought of such purpose , reaching back over generations to the men who had gathered on this spot two centuries before ?
13 On its own streets , too , massive crowds had gathered during those remarkable weeks to demonstrate support for their Peking compatriots .
14 Too much momentum had gathered behind several of the major reform proposals for them to be abandoned , but the final legislation reflected the government 's intense concern that the new freedom should be carefully circumscribed .
15 Knots of expatriates had gathered around each visitor , eager for news from England .
16 Foreign currency reserves had plunged to some US$2,300 million in early March , barely enough to cover three weeks ' imports .
17 When they turned off the main road Uncle George had to drive at little more than walking pace , for he could n't see where the lane ended and the ditches at the sides began , for snow cloaked everything .
18 Vogel had negotiated the release of over 34,000 prisoners whose freedom was bought by West Germany , had arranged for some 250,000 people to leave East Germany and had also arranged spy swaps .
19 She had to agree with that .
20 Our rental car was called a Ford Escort , but you could have fooled me ; somebody had smoothed off all the corners .
21 When the psychiatrist Jack Dominian wrote his influential book on marital breakdown in 1968 , that figure had soared to some 30,000 divorces every year .
22 And now our small party showed the same intimacy I had witnessed in all the random groupings I had seen with a recent experience of Machu Picchu behind them .
23 We had to wait for all three of them to finish before getting it back .
24 I had to wait for another performance to see . ’
25 Fellow passengers had to wait for another train to continue their journey because the original train 's safety mechanism had jammed .
26 The puzzle was that the times one had to wait for this to happen varied very greatly from nucleus to nucleus , despite there being only small changes in the circumstances involved .
27 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
28 We had to wait for some days until a convoy of ships was ready .
29 She had to wait for some time before the door was opened , and she hoped very much that it would be opened by Clelia , but it was not ; it was opened by a thin , brown , balding , youngish looking man .
30 Electrical stimulation could produce dramatic effects , but the proper study of electro-physiology had to wait for some time until it was possible to record small electrical potentials .
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