Example sentences of "had [verb] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Outside the study door Murray strode forward without a word and Richard , bewildered , had to trot to keep up with him .
2 Plans for the new terminus at Raven Square on the outskirts of Welshpool included station buildings … but the rebuilding of the Sylfaen-Welshpool section and the reclamation of land for the station where the Sylfaen brook had meandered soaked up all available funds .
3 Apart from toys , walking-sticks , postcards and other such tourist necessities , he was also hoping to sell antiquités and the old things he had gathered lay about in an indescribable miscellany .
4 Papa and Mama , informed , were coming over , the lawyers had gathered to draw up the marriage settlement , everything seemed set fair .
5 White forces had intended to blow up more railway lines and workshops .
6 A defence agent said Frost and his friends had intended to move on from the lay-by , opposite Invermoriston Post Office , as soon as they got their Giro cheques .
7 did not accept that the Vice-Chancellor had intended to lay down a rigid limitation on the exercise of the court 's discretion .
8 did not accept that the Vice-Chancellor in Cloverbay had intended to lay down a rule that no order could be made under section 236 if the purpose for which the office-holder claimed reasonably to require information sought included obtaining information the receipt of which would go beyond a reconstitution of knowledge which the company once had and was entitled in law to possess .
9 Haymarket had intended to set up a computer business with over 20 staff to build its own PCs under the brand Eyecon and sell them through a dealer network .
10 I had intended to go on and become a teacher , but when Dad died of a heart attack I was needed to help run the family art gallery . ’
11 The pilot of a Rallye had intended to take off from one field and land in another to pick up two passengers for local flying .
12 Antonia said if Mr Mellor had intended resigning over their affair ‘ he would have done so long ago — or would have been forced to do so long ago ’ .
13 Now in January 1979 , as he fled Teheran for the second time in his life , the Shah had intended to fly on to America after just a few day in Egypt .
14 Cannon , 39 , had intended to play on for one more season , but he has a back injury that may require surgery .
15 The Germans had intended blowing up the cellars of Champagne before retreating , but on 28 August 1944 they were caught napping as General Patton and his 3rd Army swept into Épernay .
16 ITTO had intended to build up a consensus towards achieving full sustainability in tropical forestry by the year 2000 .
17 He had intended to head back to the funicolare station but perhaps he had taken a wrong turning somewhere in his hurry to get away from Maidstone 's apartment .
18 First there was a welcome break when we took Venturous westward across the Minch to Stornoway where we had arranged to pick up Reg Clarke , our reigning cutter management Principal , who was flying up from London HQ to see some of our work first hand .
19 I had arranged to go out in a crab boat to get JTR 's coastal sketches .
20 I had also discovered that there would be little , if any , use for a car on Moila , so both my brother and I had arranged to travel up by train .
21 Here a thriving brewing quarter had developed made up of alewife , innkeeper and alehouse brewers .
22 He was taller than she remembered , more powerfully built , the angles of his face even harder and more menacing than she had recalled coming up in the lift .
23 I went on to say to him that I wished to make it clear that my disquiet did not relate to any particular name , but if in fact the names that I had heard turned out to be a correct report , and he published the List , the List would support legitimate criticism .
24 He had stopped to put off his shoes , that was all .
25 We had stopped trailing around after the men in the left , contorting ourselves in the hope of receiving some grudging crumbs of approval .
26 Guido had stopped to gaze down at her .
27 The snow had stopped coming down .
28 I had to go to sign on ; and I had to show my birth certificate .
29 Tom had to go racing round all morning rounding them up again .
30 It said Clerical Medical & General Life Assurance and Royal Insurance , which between them own 37.4pc of Brixton 's existing shares , had undertaken to take up their rights to the new issue in full .
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