Example sentences of "his life at the " in BNC.

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1 It is a characteristic of Nicholson that he displays and hopes for loyalty from a friendship and thus most of those he met and formed relationships with in the late Fifties and early Sixties were still in his life at the turn of the Nineties .
2 During Austrian GP practice Simmons got the fright of his life at the top of Salzburgring 's terrifying Ostschliefe hill , where the outfits funnel through a 150mph tunnel of armco .
3 But when he 's describing his life at the Debraces ’ , he hardly mentions Madeleine at all .
4 It obviously dominated his life at the moment .
5 There was only one person in his life at the moment who rang bells with such commanding force .
6 Pip changes from being content with his life at the beginning and not expecting much out of life until he goes to Miss Havisham 's and meets and falls in love with Estella .
7 talks to about a day in his life at the Ipswich Grain Terminal
8 Two risings under Henry VII followed attempts to levy taxes ; in 1489 the earl of Northumberland lost his life at the hands of a force of rebellious Yorkshiremen when he was trying to collect the subsidy granted that year , and in 1497 the levying of a tax for a war with Scotland led to a more serious revolt in Cornwall .
9 His year ; his life at the moment , is dedicated to rowing for Britain in Barcelona .
10 The Prime Minister and senior Cabinet colleagues gathered at the House of Commons Church … it was a fitting place for Nicholas Ridley 's memorial service , he 'd spent 33 years of his life at the centre of British politics .
11 His lawyer , Alistair Kelman , said : ‘ He spent his life at the end of a terminal .
12 It was a kind of refrain that seemed to mark his life at the moment .
13 He had been tried for his life at the Guildhall and tomorrow would hang .
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