Example sentences of "his [num ord] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 Yes , wh in his first papers in hysteria , he did n't call repression repression , he used another term .
2 His brother , Francisco Garçia Lorca , has very finely defined the canciones , one of the most notable poetic forms used by Lorca , as a lyric in which : the poet checks his first flights in order to achieve greater purification …
3 Though his first beginnings in London as a speculative builder had ended in bankruptcy , he removed to Wales and began afresh .
4 The two British participants are Barry Flanagan , who is showing two hessian sculptures , and Richard Long , prominently included by an early sculpture of three stone rings and a selection of photographs documenting his first walks in England and abroad .
5 Suffolk-born Chris Pask planted his first vines in New Zealand 's Hawkes Bay in 1972 .
6 SDLP chairman Mark Durkan , tipped to eventually succeed party leader John Hume as Foyle MP , is to take his first steps in elective politics , it was learned today .
7 Such was the disturbed world in which the young impressionable Nasser was to take his first steps in politics in the 1930s .
8 Mond made his first steps in the business that would one day help form ICI , by finding better ways to make ‘ soda ash , ’ sodium carbonate .
9 His first tours in DEEP were simple .
10 Laurent was quick to take the opportunity of correcting his first impressions in several places after Green 's maps were published and Charles Roeder is strong in his contempt .
11 We have also encouraged the new secretary-general to reform the secretariat and we applaud his first achievements in that area .
12 From his first days in office , George Shultz had a different view .
13 In his first days in the White House President Clinton launched on a liberal social agenda , dismantling conservative policy on abortion and pushing the cause of gay rights .
14 Such an episode would affect any sensitive child , all the more one who had mixed happily with black people and , as already mentioned , received his first lessons in handicrafts from them .
15 His first weeks in Blackpool were — on his own admission — ‘ an eye-opener ’ .
16 His first years in government were spent in the Whips ' Office , where he was schooled in the importance of ensuring that all interests were taken into account .
17 Sometimes he acted too hastily or was too reluctant to compromise , and in his first years in the White House he had to endure some harsh criticism .
18 In the first place , our picture of the genesis to a large extent depends on the interpretation and dating of Nietzsche 's literary remains ( the Nachlass ) , and specifically on the mass of plans , fragments and isolated notes which survive in notebooks from his first years in Basle .
19 During his last hours in this world , he found unspeakable comfort in thinking about some verses from Hebrews Ch.12 , ‘ But ye are come unto mount Sion , and unto the city of the living God , the heavenly Jerusalem , and to the innumerable company of angels , to the general assembly and church of the firstborn , which are written in heaven , and to God , the Judge of all , and to the spirits of just men made perfect , and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant ’ .
20 It was here that Grandfather Denknetzeyan had spent many hours in deep contemplation while the seeds of revolution were scattered all around him , here that he spent his last moments in Moscow before setting out on that final and fateful journey to Petrograd .
21 One of his last appearances in Scottish football was playing as a mercenary for Scone Thistle in the Perthshire juvenile league .
22 Rembrandt spent his last years in Amsterdam and the building in which he died now houses the Rembrandt House Museum .
23 Thomas Wilson was first chairman of the Hull Underwriters Association , founded in 1867 , and spent much of his last years in various charitable enterprises .
24 Towards the end of the century , however , when Edward Lear was living out his last years in Italy , a sick , embittered , and lonely old man , he was to regret his early generosity , and to resent the relationship that had evolved from it .
25 Erlich had been on his last months in Washington when he had read the lesson , digested it , that safe folks crossed the road from danger , and did n't mind who they turned their backs on .
26 Earlier Mr Thomson told the tribunal of his last days in the job .
27 His only modern biographer suggests that he spent his last days in extreme poverty at an advanced age , an ironical end for someone who had accounted meticulously for the handling of millions of pounds and had been listed by name in an Act of Parliament .
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