Example sentences of "his [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then Finn had come up , grim , silent and dripping blood , wordlessly shown her the dreadful cut and gone upstairs to his sister for a bandage .
2 Harry had worked as tirelessly as his sister for the last few days ; now he sank down on to a stool beside his cannon out of sheer weakness , and began to weep at the thought of the wasted powder and the wasted water resulting from this misfortune .
3 Order twen er , rule twenty , eight , four provides that when a party is entitled to costs , and that of course is the case of the plaintiffs , a , fails without good reason to commence or conduct proceedings for the taxation of those costs in accordance with this order or any direction or b , delays lodging a bill of costs for taxation , the taxing office may one , disallow already part of the costs of taxation that he would otherwise would warn about the party and two , after taking into account all the circumstances , including any prejudice suffered by any other party as result of such failure or delay as the case maybe , and any additional interest payable under section seventeen of the judgements act because of the failure or delay , allow the party so entitled less than the amount he would otherwise have allowed on taxation of the bill are wholly disallowed the costs , his provision for an appeal to allow to the judge and chambers and that is the way the matter is coming before
4 ‘ He has proved a better confidential secretary than to give revealing answers , despite his weakness for the opposite sex — however beautiful , ’ Ven replied .
5 He dragged himself from the clump of twitch-grass that had been his hiding-place for the last half hour , and shivering violently , set off on foot to the east .
6 HOW apt that party-changing Dr David Owen is to do his bit for the Tories now — having been sent to Serbia by the Prime Minister .
7 But today the man who wants to be next the Health Secretary did his bit for the local campaign .
8 His raptures over pretty strangers and their come-hither designer clothes were as over-the-top as his enthusiasm for a new cocktail .
9 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
10 The NME succumbed to The Smiths success by parading a lengthy Smiths interview by Biba Kopf , a writer not known for his enthusiasm for the Smiths .
11 Herbert caught his enthusiasm for the idea .
12 He had lost most of his enthusiasm for the idea by now .
13 On the Glomar Challenger , and back on shore , Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor .
14 Today more than ever , his enthusiasm for the car is tangible .
15 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
16 Once you 've pondered the crucial question of which is the bigger — Mount Everest or Blessed 's supremely affable ego , then the best course of action is simply to let the saltily ribald tidal wave of his enthusiasm for the Big Hill and its history wash over you .
17 His closeness to the king and his enthusiasm for the war would have ensured him a place as a leader of the younger generation of nobles , and his death was yet another misfortune for the king .
18 For a time Charles surprised his friends by his enthusiasm for the nursery routine .
19 Preston 's playing is so vivacious , his enthusiasm for the music so stimulating and his obvious enjoyment in playing this marvellous instrument ( which the DG engineers have recorded with something well into the demonstration category ) so infectious that I doubt even the most dyed-in-the-wool hater of organ music could fail to be won over to the cause .
20 The rebuff did much to undermine his enthusiasm for the Conservative party .
21 In a recent essay on de Nooijer , Hripsime Visser describes his enthusiasm for the baroque ; a de Nooijer mural for a school in Nieuwegein is called D'UNE MANIÈRE BAROQUE ( 1985 ) .
22 The Sunday Citizen explained his enthusiasm for the Profumo affair because of a long-cherished personal grudge against Profumo and of having unearthed a juicy scandal by snooping that would have done credit to a divorce detective .
23 It was his next appointment in March 1904 , to the embassy in Constantinople , which fired his enthusiasm for the Middle East and settled the subsequent course of his brief but eventful life .
24 His enthusiasm for the cloak-and-dagger business of detection seemed to have waned .
25 How does the hon. Gentleman square his enthusiasm for the right of veto on that occasion with the decision of the leader of his party that he would give way at Maastricht on all the issues that are now being discussed ?
26 Dedicated football fan that he is , Anderson attempts to give advice to Crisp and Broadbent in a long and excited utterance , but this is only a part of the whole picture because his enthusiasm for the topic , implicated by the length of the turn , conflicts with the hesitancy he also displays .
27 He does remember Hollar from ten years ago and that he did get a good degree ( p. 52 ) , and his enthusiasm for the fact is indicated by the emphatic nature of his approbation — " Of course you did .
28 Nearly two decades have passed since Bobby Charlton graced the world 's most famous football grounds , but as Mark Kiff reports , his enthusiasm for the game remains undiminished .
29 His enthusiasm for the game is clearly undiminished and the 35 Scottish coaches present at the Dundee seminar are certain to have benefited from his experience .
30 Sexually mature males are driven out of this group once they grow big enough to constitute a threat to the dominant male ( although occasionally an ageing dominant male will allow a younger male to take over his harem and will be tolerated by his successor for a while ) .
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