Example sentences of "his hand [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Peter looked at the stone bird , moving his hands along the parapet .
2 Then , as the secretary retreated , he sat down in his chair again , laying his hands along the green leather arms .
3 He moulded his hands along the long , slender curve of her back , and the towel came untucked and slipped to the floor .
4 ‘ I 'll take the risk ! ’ he groaned , lowering his mouth to the base of her neck and sliding his hands along the soft pliancy of her body with such a startling response that further dissent was impossible .
5 He was defending himself with great skill , every now and then sliding his hands down the staff and striking at a distance with its full length , and then suddenly changing direction and bringing the shortened end up in a jab at the face or stomach of one of the attackers he had tempted to come too close .
6 ‘ In fact , my resistance is non-existent … ’ he groaned tautly , drawing her against him and running his hands down the slim curve of her back , so that their bodies were pressed close together .
7 Hitting late occurs when a player has almost turned his hips and shoulders towards the target , with his hands past the ball .
8 Hitting late occurs when a player has almost turned his hips and shoulders towards the target , with his hands past the ball .
9 The Skeletons , of course , ca n't reach the meat , and the man takes great delight in taking each helping and stuffing it into his own face , wiping juices from his hands onto the Skeletons ' bony faces .
10 He raised his hands to the sky .
11 The soothsayer sat down , nodding in general greeting , and held out his hands to the warmth .
12 A MOTORIST was robbed of his £7,000 life-savings by two masked thugs who glued his hands to the steering wheel .
13 James glanced round the living room , moved towards the fire and held out his hands to the heat .
14 He set his hands to the chair arms , as if about to rise .
15 He turned on the electric fire and knelt before it , holding out his hands to the reddening bars .
16 ‘ So he lit up his owd bit of clay pipe , put his hands to the plough and went after his horses .
17 Placing the right leg forward , the student leans back over his left leg and drops his hands to the floor , while keeping watch on his opponent over the right shoulder .
18 He wanted to clap his hands to the music , but did n't .
19 Leon laid his hands to the rod and George noticed how they were bigger , stronger , altogether more mature and experienced than the rest of him .
20 The other Rex put his hands to the long table-top , tore it from its legs and cast it away into the darkness .
21 He came to squat by the fire , holding out his hands to the warmth .
22 He began to whistle , and taking his hands of the handlebars he negotiated the last half mile home without touching them again .
23 Walkinshaw has now washed his hands of the BRDC , saying : ‘ You should speak to them .
24 When Pilate realised that a riot was a distinct possibility , he literally took water and washed his hands of the affair with the words :
25 The well-known story of Curzon 's Tuesday summons from Montacute to London , of his confident and much-photographed arrival , first at Paddington Station and then at Carlton House Terrace , followed by the crushing blow delivered to him that afternoon when Stamfordham called at his house and told him Baldwin was to be Prime Minister , was not therefore a sudden snatching from his hands of the steadily earned and well-deserved prize , but more the last rather overdramatized act of a tragi-comedy which had been played out in varying forms since his appointment as Viceroy of India in 1898 .
26 Larkin then washed his hands of the peace obligation , thus starting a new battle with the employers which threatened civil war with the capitalist class as a whole .
27 He can see what the bitter outcome can be , but instead of washing his hands of the affair , he doggedly and morbidly follows the Carbone 's situation to its tragic resolution .
28 THE Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , was accused yesterday of acting like Pontius Pilate in washing his hands of the controversy over a hospital trust which wants to sack staff and reduce wages .
29 As the couple approached him , George could not hear what remarks were passed but saw the dull flush of anger suffuse the shepherd 's face , as the farmer picked up his wrist and spanned it , passing his hands up the man 's arms to judge his muscles .
30 ‘ If we do n't make the final , Cy Gilette [ the umpire ] will have our blood on his hands for the rest of his life . ’
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