Example sentences of "his [noun] then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His sister then helped to bring up the child while Gustav was in Moscow for two years , at the university and taking the political indoctri-nation .
2 Pa 's eyes close above the tips of his fingers then pop back open , catching me out .
3 Kate would listen to his opinions then give hers , quietly and fairly .
4 He told Victor his story then asked Victor to make a female monster but Victor , after agreeing to make the woman , did n't keep his promise .
5 ‘ And his sentence then trailed off ’ , said Schweitzer , ‘ with a series of … almost visible ellipses , and he did n't finish the thought . ’
6 Ben clenched his teeth then pulled hard on the right-hand oar , turning the prow slowly towards the distant house , the dark , slick-edged blade biting deep into the glaucous , muscular flow as he hauled the boat about in a tight arc .
7 Half his hair then fell out when he raced an avalanche down a Chamonix couloir .
8 Plummer ran a hand over his hair then stood beside her , touching her cheek with the back of his hand .
9 The steward opened his mouth then closed it again , seeing the Security warrant card the man was holding out .
10 Chen opened his mouth then closed it again .
11 He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth then stood up .
12 She pondered his words then got to her feet .
13 She pondered his words then glanced at the pay phone in the corner of the bar .
14 In 1989 he was tipped to succeed Mr King when Mr Brooke was appointed , and despite his disappointment then has continued to covet the job and interest himself in Irish affairs .
15 Such an act may well have provoked strong reaction in both ecclesiastical and lay circles , and Osred , exiled son of Alhred , was tempted back the following year from exile on the Isle of Man by the oaths of certain Northumbrian nobles ; but his supporters then deserted him and he was captured by King Aethelred and killed at Aynburg on 14 September 792 .
16 He seemed to be fighting with himself as he lay there , banging his fist to his head , clenching up his legs then shooting them out straight .
17 His sperms then migrate to the victim 's testes , and when the second male comes to copulate with a female , the first male 's sperm will be injected into her .
18 Carol gave him his tea then sat down at the table next to Plummer , who carried on eating .
19 He put the flask to his lips then gestured dramatically .
20 Toby pursed his lips then smiled .
21 George fumbled out the little pinhole torch and watched as Maxim delicately smeared a film of shoe polish on the end of his key then probed ag in and immediately withdrew it to study the marks on the polish .
22 She held his gaze then called , ‘ Just a minute . ’
23 His parents then called from the USA and were given the false impression that British Consul staff were co-ordinating the search , when they actually had no regular contact with the Spanish authorities involved .
24 He and his parents then continued their day trip .
25 He thought about it though and decided that he could not live on willpower alone so he went on with his degree then joined a very mundane law practice with poor promotion prospects and a history of doing more ‘ legal aid ’ cases than ones where the client actually paid .
26 A large , tabby cat came in , sniffed round his shoes then jumped up on his lap .
27 ‘ did especially appoint John de Metingham ( then Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas ) and the rest of his fellow justices … that they , according to their discretions , should provide and ordain , from every county , certain attorneys and lawyers , of the best and most apt for their learning and skill , who might do service to his court and people ; and that those so chosen only and no other , should follow his court and transact the affairs therein ; the said King and his council then deeming the number of seven score to be sufficient for that employment ; but it was left to the discretion of the said justices , to add to that number , or diminish , as they should see fit : ’
28 He doffed his chasuble , stole and cope , hastily hung them in the cupboard , gave a wide-eyed Crim a penny for his help then bustled Sir John back into the church .
29 He 'd lied about Tara , lied about Nicola Schreider … assured her she was n't his type then pursued her with consummate skill until his ego was satisfied that she was ripe for seduction …
30 Joseph joined them briefly to gobble down his lunch then rushed back on deck alone , wearing his sun helmet , and stood at the rail-eagerly devouring with his eyes each new detail of the ever-changing scene .
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