Example sentences of "they seem have [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I first saw his pictures during the punk period and they seemed to have a similar punch , a thriller realism . ’
2 They seemed to have a significance independent of the self-satisfied barristers and scurrying clerks who peopled them now .
3 They seemed to have a different attitude to the lecturers and were not afraid to go to them for elucidation of points they did not fully understand , and in tutorials showed their wider knowledge , and their readiness to think for themselves rather than just reproduce what they had learned from textbooks and lectures .
4 They seemed to have a secret between them that I could n't share . ’
5 They seemed to have a tendency to slide down it .
6 They seemed to have a good relationship , agree about most things , and never , never row — at least , not in front of the children .
7 They seemed to have a show every week or , if not , were invariably guests on other comedians ' shows or the light relief on those interminable chat shows .
8 They seemed to have a pretty good idea about what it might be .
9 Throckmorton said that after he had spoken in the House against the Act in Restraint of Appeals , he had been praised by Fisher and two other clerics , Nicholas Wilson and Richard Reynolds [ qq.v. ] , who told him that he need not persevere with such speeches if they seemed to have no effect , but that his example might be of value to others .
10 Alice never spoke of him except casually but on the few occasions , like last night 's dinner party , when she had seen them together they seemed to have the intuitive mutual awareness , an instinctive response to the other 's needs , more typical of a long-standing successful marriage than of an apparently casual fraternal relationship .
11 They seem to have no colour , although yesterday afternoon 's image is still strong — the canyon glowing deep red in reflected light from the walls , the interior an inferno in the midday sun .
12 Extraordinarily enough for a couple who were supposed to be at such odds , they seem to have no problem over their conversation .
13 Above and bottom left : These Long-finned Koi were pictured in the USA , where they seem to have a taste for the more exotic coldwater fish and none of our traditional fears about ‘ breaking the rules ’ .
14 They seem to have a certain psychological reality for native speakers as units of knowledge in spite of their abnormality as units of behaviour .
15 They seem to have a better idea of the indie ethic in America , ’ muses Jim .
16 They seem to have a reasonably clear meaning , and have the merit of linking diverse bits of information together in a coherent pattern , and it provides an explanation for the content of Judaism and Christianity especially , and may have some application for understanding and explaining the ritual developments in Hinduism and Buddhism , as will be illustrated in Chapter 5 .
17 There is also the difference between employees who are in offices , who for some reason or other , I 've always found and still do , they seem to have a notion that they 're a different class to others who work for wages .
18 They seem to have a Gaelic sound to some of these names .
19 They seem to have a lot of fun . ’
20 Yeah they seem to have a lot more to loose than we do .
21 In other words , although they suppress the aberrant antibody , they suppress other antibody production too and also the production of blood cells , yet they seem to have a greater effect on the abnormal antibody than they do on normal ones and in quite large numbers of patients that have been treated in this way the side effects are really relatively slight .
22 They seem to have the idea that getting married will make the other person their property .
23 In so far as sensations are ‘ things excited in our minds ’ , they seem to have the character of particulars ; but in so far as the same sensation can be excited by any one of numerous objects , they ( the sensations ) seem to have the character of universals .
24 It appears that an increasing number of people are calculating their political support on the basis of the plausibility of the parties as governing parties , asking whether they seem to have the answer to the ‘ country 's problems ’ ( whether these be inflation , unemployment , taxation , law and order , trading position or whatever ) rather than voting , and engaging in political activism , on the basis of a deeply-felt class identification .
25 It 's just those few , committed capitalists that see profits as the only , the only motive to be on this earth , that seem to be , was was they seem to have the influence in this in this country , and and like er , I 'm I 'm hoping that this er , er British Government objection to the Court of Justice does fail , as as is er suggested it may do , erm , and let's let's hope it does , and let's hope that we get this er , implemented .
26 Individually they are fine and I get on very well with most of them , but put them together in a group and they seem to have an attitude problem .
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