Example sentences of "they know that [det] " in BNC.

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1 They have to reveal all , and if something goes wrong how are they to know that all that information will not be handed back to the secret police from whom they are trying to escape by seeking asylum ?
2 One must ask whether the University is aware that such a thing is possible , or do they know that such contacts are sought in order that a class should appear without any justification .
3 Little did they know that that was the last thing the kickers were intending to do , for what is the point of conceding a lineout that the opponents will probably win ?
4 They know that all that would be put at risk if there were the prospect of a Labour Government .
5 And by untaught instinct they know that that means food .
6 Provided they know that that 's the game and the problem is I and I do n't know about you Peter or , or you
7 But they know that many regard them as bearded , half-educated lefties , who only teach to fill in the gaps between long holidays in sunnier climes .
8 Like others on first-name terms with the Princess , they know that this is one of her few safe havens .
9 Also the mothers are reluctant to reduce the amount of milk in the child 's diet because they know that this is the only form of nutrition that the child accepts .
10 While Ministers might like to please the voters by abandoning VAT on fuel , they know that this would be disastrous abroad .
11 He then said that they did n't want an understanding with the United States , because they know that this was impossible ( sic ) .
12 No sorry , I only put , well you got one I suppose if they know that this rap thing wo n't last long
13 No , all of Britain 's high street banks offer special rates and free gifts to students because they know that those in training and attending college are a , are the prospective workforce of tomorrow .
14 They know that any shortfall in product quality or deficiency in service is a competitive opportunity .
15 The prospect of publicity deters perjury : witnesses are more likely to tell the truth if they know that any lie they tell might be reported , and provoke others to come forward to discredit them .
16 They know that these well-tried and tested ways work , and do not need a scientist or advertising agency to sell them .
17 They know that some things happen after other things .
18 They know that most of the cigarettes produced in Darlington go for export outside Europe and will not be affected by any advertising bans . ’
19 They did not know when accident or sickness would hit them , and though they knew that some time in middle age — perhaps in the forties for unskilled labourers , perhaps in the fifties for the more skilled — they would become incapable of doing a full measure of adult physical labour , they did not know what would happen to them between then and death .
20 They knew that any noise from within the atmosphere would be stronger when the detector was not pointing straight up than when it was , because light rays travel through much more atmosphere when received from near the horizon than when received from directly overhead .
21 He sometimes thought how astonished , how appalled indeed , many of these women would be if they knew that these intra-uterine devices were not in fact contraceptives but abortifacients .
22 Fonda , Hopper and Nicholson all knew what they meant and they knew that most of the youngsters in the audience would know what they meant .
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