Example sentences of "they be only the " in BNC.

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1 The images that we make are not themselves beautiful , they are only the cages in which we trap the living birds and butterflies of beauty .
2 Inputs are thus of great practical importance , but they are only the means , not the ends , of competitive endeavour .
3 But for now , they are only the best kick-ass rock band in the country .
4 Then it was discovered that they are only the larvae of a very well known animal .
5 National data on the use of each part of the service by age and sex , married persons and unmarried persons , is used as the basis of these weightings , but they are only the first stage .
6 This is a sinister view of the world of simulacra and simulation described by Jean Baudrillard , the world in which people have the illusion of being actively hooked into vast information networks , whereas in fact they are only the passive recipients of processed data , more and more isolated in front of their televisions and their computer screens ( 1970:186–91 , 1981:121–31 ) .
7 The monuments in our care are the best and they have survived for specific reasons — yet they are only the tip the iceberg of our archaeological inheritance .
8 Before considering the automatic directions , it is as well to remember that ( although they will be sufficient in most instances ) they are only the bare bones of the directions the parties may need in a personal injury case , and do not prevent the parties seeking any further directions they may need under Ord 25 whether set out in PF51 or not .
9 He might well exclude old statutes like those forbidding contraception , however clear and precise these might be , if they are only the relics of long-abandoned policies , if they represent no contemporary political decision and therefore serve no useful role in coordinating social behaviour now . "
10 The place was originally built in 1880 and they 're only the third people to have owned it since then .
11 They 're only the spare set .
12 And they 're only the ones we know about .
13 And they 're only the same shape .
14 All this could not have been achieved without Macintosh computers , but again , they were only the means to an end .
15 So far as she knew they were only the result of an innocent friendship , so why Feargal 's anger ?
16 They were only the cases that have been uncovered .
17 Cos they were only the real areas lacking and the I 'm quite high on the complete finisher , whereby
18 Those early ambitions have been achieved — and they were only the start .
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