Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As the Investors Chronicle of 18 September pointed out , most building societies do not tell their savers when one of their accounts ceases to be marketed to new investors , even if the existing investor could obtain a much better rate of interest by switching to another account with the same society .
2 Solicitors who do not tell their clients in advance as much as they can about the likely cost of a piece of work — or exceed an estimate without notice — are now at risk of having their charges reduced by the Law Society under its powers to penalise Inadequate Professional Services .
3 ‘ Asking the wrong question ’ or ‘ irrelevancy ’ tell one that an error has been made , but they do not tell one whether the error is jurisdictional .
4 There is a mixture of indicators , but on the whole the adverse indicators seem heavier and more serious than the favourable ones , many of which are things such as confidence surveys , which do not tell one very much about what will happen .
5 Nevertheless do not tell me of it , even to confirm me ; for it is what we can not analyse or arrange , any more than the rich simplicity of childhood .
6 Do not tell me that they are old ideas .
7 Please do not tell me that the object of professional boxing is to accumulate points by touching parts of the opponent 's head .
8 ‘ You question me as though I were a pedlar but you do not tell me what you are doing in the forest .
9 Do not tell me that Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalwolsey , renowned in the ranks of chivalry , has been deprived of all dealings with the female kind ?
10 You do not tell me the depth of your pond , but shallow ponds ( if yours is indeed shallow ) are much more prone to algal infestation because they warm up so much more quickly and have such a large surface area in relation to volume .
11 Foolish because if you do not tell me , I have the power to take you away from the river bank , away from the sun and light , and shut you in the caracol for ever . ’
12 If candidates ' responses do not tell you what you need to know then follow up your initial question with a more specific one .
13 The only problem with them is that they do not tell you how .
14 We do not tell you the location of these areas , nor do we tell you which pennant is in which combat zone .
15 The second is : every command you give must be broken only by you , by which I mean do not tell your dog to sit then go off and make a cup of tea and forget all about him .
16 However , these institutional norms do not tell anything like the whole story , and this is particularly true if we focus on spoken language in casual conversation and on phonetic and phonological variation : as we noticed in chapter 3 , the norms of a superordinate variety can not be projected on to the norms of a speech community without distorting our description .
17 Do not tell anyone your number .
18 Unless we make it trivially true that gold is malleable , by explicitly including malleability in our idea of it , we can perceive no connection between the ideas of gold and malleability ; our observation and experiment do not tell us that gold must be malleable ; we have no knowledge that it is .
19 The Minutes do not tell us in what Mr R — — — ‘ s ‘ misconduct ’ consisted and he is heard of no more .
20 But they do not tell us much about how more complex cognitive processes take place .
21 While examination results alone do not tell us much about the nature of the educational crisis , they are useful indicators of the extent of the problem : undoubtedly school conditions and the situation of teachers have affected their outcomes .
22 Léandre Schlegel ( 1844–1913 ) is represented by the sixth , somewhat characterless , piece of Der arme Peter , which I assume to be a ‘ suite ’ of some sort ( Willem Noske 's otherwise intelligent and informative notes do not tell us ) .
23 But these caricatures do not tell us much about what is going on with real , complex individuals behind the scenes .
24 However , they do not tell us about the complex subjective processes which this involved .
25 But these conventions do not tell us anything about the student 's facility with abstraction nor about his or her logical performance .
26 Conversely , the school tests for explicitness do not tell us very much about the exercise of multiple points of view .
27 They do not tell us why the level is set at its current average rather than some much higher or lower figure .
28 Unlike historical documents , archaeological sites and their finds do not tell us anything directly .
29 These correlations , while of interest , do not tell us much about the political substance of the ‘ class'/party link , but Butler and Stokes pursued this further by soliciting ‘ free ’ responses concerning the reasons for identification with one or other party .
30 The specifications of these tasks do not tell us what a goal state is .
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