Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The OEWs are proprietary devices available from several suppliers on the open market so they do not rank as critical technology .
2 Do not pitch close to objects that will reflect the sun 's rays onto the tent , such as white caravans .
3 One of the few times you will find big bream in waters which do not match up to the points I have mentioned is when they are the result of a recent stocking operation .
4 When the two do not match up there is pressure either to revise the blueprints or to change the environment .
5 Thus ( 61 ) will be true , on this account , just in case there is some reference time ( say , another event ) prior to CT , such that at that reference time , ( 62 ) would have been true ( while ( 62 ) is in turn true , just in case ( 63 ) would have been true at some point prior to the CT of ( 62 ) ) : ( 6z ) John had seen Mary ( 62 ) John saw Mary ( 63 ) John sees Mary But such M-tenses do not match up simply with L-tenses , for L-tenses nearly always encode additional aspectual and modal features too ( see Comrie , 1976a ; Lyons , 1977a : 703ff , 809ff ) .
6 If the conclusion and the evidence do not match then the theory is falsified ; if they do match , then this is some evidential support for the theory and its explanation .
7 Threatened people do not perform well — their energies tend to be diverted from the primary task .
8 Its purpose is to diagnose and remedy weaknesses rather than to exclude from further study the students who do not perform well .
9 This is to check that they do not infringe either the Television Act , which places some special restrictions on TV advertising , or the ITC Code of Advertising Practice ( see Chapter 16 ) .
10 Do not speak ill of the dead ’ , we are told , yet it is a great comfort to be with a friend who shares knowledge of how awful the dead person could sometimes be .
11 ‘ Oh , now come , ma'am , do not speak so .
12 ‘ In the eyes of government officials , therefore , ’ he says , ‘ businessmen do not appear simply as the representatives of a special interest , as representatives of interest groups do .
13 The major class of adjectives which fall under this heading is again that of the associatives discussed in Chapter 2 , and as we have already noted these do not appear postnominally ( thus we also have a positive answer to the third question , though there is quite a lot more to add , see Section 3.10 ) : ( 38 ) Two scientists nuclear have joined the staff a hatmaker royal lives in our village ( The Hatmaker Royal , if one existed , would of course , like the Princess Royal , be the holder of an office which has a name calqued on the French once spoken by the English aristocracy , and not one based on the patterns of current English . )
14 The remedies have been grouped for easier comparison and so do not appear alphabetically .
15 This in itself is a mildly interesting observation and certainly needs to be made ; but what we should go on to do is to say why they do not appear there .
16 Conflicts which do not appear directly related to class divisions are no minor anomalies .
17 They do not appear anywhere in the Old Testament .
18 Proportional series are dealt with in more specific detail as they do not appear anywhere else in the book .
19 Notice , however , that the conditions which cause the loop to terminate are less clear since they do not appear together .
20 The missionary ladies state that they are Christian , but do not appear very Christian in their attitude to blacks , for instance Mrs Merriwether only pays her maid a pittance and Zeebo , Calphurnia 's son is dustman .
21 While DCSLs do not appear actually to veto specific requests , the advice they give on the relative quality of alternative publications — through direct comment to the teacher responsible for submitting the school 's list — can be persuasive .
22 There are effectively no vibrational selection rules , so the technique is particularly useful for detecting vibrations that do not appear in either IR or Raman spectra .
23 Such opportunities are obviously present in Kenya and Zambia though they do not appear always to work out in practice , one reason in Kenya being that centre personnel are continually called on to perform routine professional jobs such as practical examinations for final year college students .
24 Recommendations are also sought from the Area Education Officers , although these do not appear always to be forthcoming .
25 However , a simplistic model based exclusively on smoking habits fails to explain the higher incidence in women , since women do not smoke as heavily as men .
26 Although the ionomers do not wear well and thus are not very popular , they will probably get better , and new innovations will follow thick and fast .
27 It is easy enough to set up an objective which really consists of two contradictory objectives : that is to say that to reach one you have to move away from the other ( for example , lowering prices on premium goods , designing a family sports car , designing tyres that do not wear out ) .
28 As a precautionary measure , however , do not head straight into the house , but allow the dog to come out to see you .
29 Those committed to self-report and victimization surveys do not start off asking the most important question of all : ‘ what is serious crime ? ’
30 These pupils in Wales do not start formally to be taught English until the age of 7 or 8 ; all pupils in England will be required to be taught English from age 5 .
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