Example sentences of "do [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Working time , including overtime , should be decided by local voluntary agreement and I do emphasize the word voluntary .
2 But if the cultural materialists tend to place a politics rather than a problem as the starting point of their enquiry , they do emphasize the deployment of specialized knowledges in the service of the popular political struggles of today .
3 Do think the rest of us in , in , in the Western world have a duty to give them money to , to help sort out the pollution problem ?
4 But I do think the minister er should er b be quite clear about that point er because er it may be of crucial importance , not just to the industry , er but also to the public interest who will want to know what the position is so far as er er these matters are concerned .
5 I really do think the backpass rule completely fucked him up .
6 So I do think the development at that level has something pretty profound to say .
7 But I do think the vocabulary will be lost very shortly now .
8 Therefore , I do think the wording of this implies a lack of er , er of research and and erm the implication
9 Well I do think the majority do , yeah .
10 ‘ Not necessarily , but I do think the crate contains the kegs . ’
11 I do think the discussion so far and the contribution from Mr and Mr is unfairly er at this stage erm prejudicing a proper assessment of er er er a for a new settlement all the way round Greater York including the Southwest and I return to a comment I made before the break , that dualling for example of the outer bypass of the York ring road which is programmed and is , will dramatically change may well dramatically change the perception erm erm of people to the to the west of the Greater York area in respect of the area to the north east .
12 Sue Baring , finding it difficult to conceal her disappointment , thanked a similar list of people before ending : ‘ I do think the result is uncomfortable for many sections of this society and I hope I will be free to fight for all those who may well lose out as a result of this election . ’
13 ‘ But I do think the checking of permits has also had an impact on the numbers and we are grateful for the co-operation of the police .
14 And Lucy was perfectly capable of saying do stay the night .
15 I would of thought so Mr yes , yes , erm , alright well Mr Mr erm this is a rather odd exercise in a way and as you know my first thoughts were they were better to leave it to see what , how the , how the judgment came out of it , but erm , erm , I do regard the matter as er , as a , as a whole as of very considerable importance both to both sides of this case and erm , it did seem to me on considering it , er , from recovering from the dentist that er , an , an outline of erm
16 Aha for the studio theatre to be dark t during the autumn and I I do regard the studio theatre as the frenzied heart of a theatre and I have enjoyed many of the performances very much and I just hope very much we can just get some more money from somewhere carry on I
17 New social consciousness dictates a need among advice workers for self-awareness in their attitudes to clients , in particular towards black and ethnic minority clients , and how personal attitudes can and do affect the direction and achievements of advice giving .
18 Material circumstances , then , do affect the standard and quality of teaching , as the HMI have themselves noted in surveys of the effects of public expenditure policies on teaching and learning .
19 In chapter 3 I shall discuss more fully the question of how far these demographic structures do affect the nature of family obligations , at any given point in historical time , considering in particular how far demographic factors in the late twentieth century have given a particular shape to kin groups .
20 Our results show that horizontal gradients of VSR between the two eyes , differential vertical perspective , do affect the amount of perceived depth in stereoscopic surfaces , as predicted by Mayhew and Longuet-Higgins ' computational theory .
21 But some countries can and do make the stuff — Brazil for one uses alcohol/diesel and alcohol/petrol mixes , and the USA has had ‘ gasohol ’ ( petrol with 10% ethanol ) for some years .
22 Well , as long as it does n't make me feel uneasy , I 'm a fairly tidy sort of person , so I do make the bed , and sort of tidy up in the bedroom , and I tidy up in here , when she 's gone to bed .
23 Well you see I sit down on a I sit down on a fairly regular basis with now and try to give her direction and er point out , and I do make the point , about every time and , right ?
24 We have er found that to be the case there is a downward trend , but I do make the point , and I did make the point to the inspectors notwithstanding that , all of our respecting officers bar those that were doing the training of course do produce a higher work output per individual than most of our peers up and down the country and we have statis statistical evidence to support that .
25 I would suggest to the committee on page sixteen on our recommendations that we do make the point about Avarag and NovaSports , just in terms of consistency , and I would expect you to want to continue to do that .
26 Surely , however , the women who do make the transition from the grant-aided sector to the mainstream bring with them a history of political and creative experience which must make itself felt in the long run ?
27 Do make the effort to encourage openness in your family .
28 Similarly you do make the attempt and gradually refine the questions to a point where you for a week or more .
29 The important point is that you do make the attempt and gradually refine the questions to a point where you are reasonably satisfied with the answers .
30 I think they really do want the support , and they want the backing when they 're negotiating with other , other bodies .
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