Example sentences of "do [pers pn] want [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't want the same drab old styles of before , but , as I told you , neither do I want a revolution .
2 No , I want a three I do I want a three then it 'll be mine
3 I do I want a poacher egg poacher
4 do I want the commitment of the employees to our organization ?
5 ( With some products , like the bathroom suite , there is a further question — within the Armitage Shanks range , do I want the Sandringham-Envoy with Silverspa taps , or some higher specification ?
6 Do I want the truth , or do I want money ?
7 Do I want the moon to " supply her losses " like an efficient steward , or would it be better for her to " heal wounds " , like a surgeon ?
8 At the funeral near Belfast , Jack was startled by a tap on the shoulder in the church and a man 's voice hissing , ‘ Do ye want a lift to the cemetery ? ’
9 ‘ But do ye want a lift ? ’
10 Wary of causing further commotion , Jack said OK and found to his astonishment at the end of the service that the question had not been ‘ Do ye want a lift ? ’ at all — not at all , at all as they say in the Emerald Isle — but ‘ Do ye want to lift ? ’ , and as he staggered along on his then-arthritic hip bearing the coffin with five other pall-bearers , he kind of wished he 'd stuck to ‘ No thank you , I 'll walk . ’
11 Do you want a written acknowledgement ?
12 Why do you want a spanner ? ’
13 Do you want a lift ?
14 ‘ Why do you want a steamroller ? ’
15 Do you want a hand ? ’
16 Do you want a hand ? ’
17 Do you want a permanent job ? ’
18 Do you want a penknife ? ’ said Sir George .
19 ‘ What on earth do you want a man trap for ? ’ expostulated Ella .
20 She had just stuck the first stamp on the envelope when a friendly voice behind her said : ‘ Can you manage all right , missy , or do you want a lift up ? ’
21 Without hesitation I said , ‘ That 's nice , do you want a record producer ? ’
22 Do you want a go with this theeng , Paula ? ’
23 From the point of view of security you do not want a door that is all glass , neither do you want a hollow plywood-type door that is easily kicked in .
24 As a noun it can represent the act of intercourse ( ‘ Do you want a fuck ? ) and a person viewed in terms of intercourse ( ‘ He 's a fantastic fuck ! ’ ) .
25 ‘ And do you want a copy of the photo ? ’
26 Do you want a man who perfectly fits your fantasy ( better cancel the church now ) , or a man you can love and live with ?
27 Do you want a look ? ’
28 Do you want a sticker ?
29 Do you want a leaflet ?
30 ‘ Bell did n't do a market survey and ask , do you want a telephone ? ’ remarked Professor Derek Birchall , a senior ICI research executive , a few years back .
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