Example sentences of "do [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To my mind , what I do as a medical sociologist is just as scientific .
2 ‘ I believe it is quite hard , the work that you do as a Strict Regime prisoner .
3 For example , Standard English does not distinguish between do as a main verb and as an auxiliary verb : He did it , did he ?
4 I mean here we are , we 've been talking about taking holidays in this area , and I imagine that much of the work that you do as a local Tourist Board is not actually directly aimed at people who live in this area .
5 As a player , you 're only concerned about what you do as an individual , but as a manager you 're concerned for the whole team , ’ he said .
6 Animals learn to do many things that they never do as an unconditioned response to any stimulus .
7 You have that choice , that chance to do that for my patients and I tell you , to be with you , to be part of you , I 'm as a , I learn for you , I think of you , and I can just tell you , I wish you all the best , but I wo n't forget your responsibility to help the medical profession to make , with the work they do for a better tomorrow possible , due to your work , your hard attempts to give that financial ability through the best insurance policies on the market today .
8 Will last month 's breakdown of the GATT talks do for the 1990s what Smoot-Hawley did for the 1930s ?
9 So what does the publishing company do for the non-performing songwriter ?
10 What , therefore , might a ‘ good ’ book do for the right reader at the right time ?
11 What do you think existing kinds of drama training do for the new actor ?
12 What you do for the first two years is you learn all the theory of being a doctor and you go and you have to between eight of you , learn all about a body you have one body between of you and you learn all about all the muscles and the nerves
13 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
14 ‘ There 's no-one in the world that thinks more than I do about every goddam f—ing thing that happens with us . ’
15 How far such resistance is possible varies according to the research methods employed but , generally speaking , we know more about the poor and the powerless than we do about the rich and the powerful .
16 We know more about the poor , who have to fill in forms of all kinds in order to receive benefits , than we do about the rich , who have to declare their tax position only to the taxman , in strict confidence .
17 If we could answer these , I feel we should know a lot more than we do about the earliest history of the place and the way it has grown .
18 We need to know far more than we currently do about the organised abuse of children — and we need to find out from survivors , both child and adult .
19 Nine minutes past six , and it 's the morning of Friday , December the tenth , if you 've just joined us , as many people do after the six o'clock news , or even before the six o'clock news , welcome along to the programme .
20 The precedent suggests a reference to persons under the Tenant 's control in order to exclude mere callers , but where the clause refers to servants of the tenant ( which some precedents do despite the archaic nature of the expression ) it may be as well to qualify this with the words in the course of employment in case it is claimed that a servant will , by the nature of the expression , always be under the tenant 's control .
21 When most people possessed no clocks or watches but lived more in the countryside than they do today , they took far more note than we do of the various timings associated with plants and animals .
22 See what they do with a long pink flannel ?
23 — Cruelty to animals takes two forms : the method of killing it and what you do with a live animal which is in your power .
24 I feel far mo , less sympathy and far less identification with her than I perhaps do with a male worker who has to cope with the same kind of exploitation that I do , day in , day out .
25 To make a hole in masonry or concrete you do not need to exert anything like the pressure you do with a conventional percussion/ratchet hammer drill which basically relies on drill rotation to wear away the material .
26 as well , had a little do with a little boy called Shane , he decided he wanted to come into the story with a , in his blue car , I explained that on the day of the choose he could either come in and have a story or he was to play with the blue car outside , well he had a fit , he 's rattling the door , anyway , I did n't realize there was this childminder that he had with him not er his mum , cos she came and had her sort of say and things
27 do with a particular situation .
28 They do with every other side — somehow methinks scum will avoid that on the whole .
29 This , again , is a point appreciated by Goody : ‘ Some individuals spend more time with the written language than they do with the spoken .
30 I do n't care what you do with the other bods but see that the civilian gets some attention , will you ?
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