Example sentences of "do [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Along the way Aileen told people all about the charity and the work they do for children with terminal or life threatening illnesses , she also explained just what the charity had done for her family when they were faced with such a situation .
2 It was the smart thing to do down Hollywood , but it is not difficult to see that the venom and enjoyment that went into those attacks of the 1920s tell us more about the social values of elites and in particular of intellectuals than they do about movies as such .
3 Now I think this is a very interesting point because if you go home , and over the next few days do what most people do after course like this , and that is they listen perhaps a little bit to radio , certainly watch some T V and , and think about all these issues , one of the things that will surprise you is that some of the people who are prominent broadcasters are really rather incompetent .
4 The conditions under which the potential significate of the infinitive is exploited in discourse have been seen to vary according to certain parameters , such as use with lexical verb vs use with auxiliary and use with do vs use with the modal auxiliaries .
5 Until a year ago I had very little do with women in the sexual sense .
6 Table 1 suggests some of the definitive things that people do with texts in the linguistics and literature community .
7 But , yeah , she did have a choice but I mean sh you do with people with money .
8 The myths which describe encounters with superhuman beings of all kinds never describe the various harmful ones as shy or fearful , whereas they always do with respect to the helpful .
9 Fortunately for lesbians , what we do in bed with each other poses very little risk of HIV being passed on .
10 That was no ordinary dog , that was a trained musk-hunter. they bought that do in Tibet for five thousand rupees . ’
11 Sure I phoned , left messages , the usual fool things men do in times of insanity . ’
12 The Lord commands , he says this do in remembrance of me .
13 They have a duty to make sure that the best principles of co-operation are applied to all they do in relation to each child in the name of the ‘ child 's best interests ’ .
14 ‘ Consequently , local authorities have somewhat greater discretion in the environmental health area than they do in relation to council house sales ’ ( p. 103 ) .
15 These things we do in detail in the chapters that follow .
16 You know more about a guy in one night in bed than you do in months of conversation , ’ she once said .
17 Symptoms of reflux therefore reflected poorly acid exposure times in patients with PSS as they do in patients with reflux and no connective tissue diseases .
18 And this remains throughout life , for the old occupy a much higher status in primitive society than they do in societies like ours .
19 The gradual acceptance of the Darwinian evolutionary philosophy , that enables us to accept each species in its own right and see its actions from its own point of view , has meant that we are released from the burden of interpreting everything animals do in terms of good and evil .
20 I mean , the way in which Christians and Buddhists would describe what they do in terms of their own systems might differ .
21 Thus , the traditional survey based on random samples from populations of individuals and the effort to account for what they do in terms of an interaction between attitudes , personality and general background structural factors , implies that we have an adequate understanding of the relative importance of social position , personality and the relationship between the two .
22 Secondary schools do not always tell primary schools in detail what they do in terms of pupil development on either the curricular or the personal plane nor do primary schools always set out to learn what comes next .
23 And er , I did er , er invite members , all members yesterday , and I do have a feed-back here , again , that they do write to lobby on behalf of us , because I , if this is going to be the patent for the future , it 's gon na have very serious implications as to what we do in terms of improving the highway infrastructure at Lincolnshire .
24 exercise that you do in terms of assertion in terms of helping build people 's assertion is what we call a broken record exercise , okay where one person wants something and the other person is trying to change their minds , okay , you get it in conversation when people do n't take you seriously and you 've asked for something and they do n't take you serious they try and avoid the point , they try and change the subject .
25 But doctors and nurses do from time to time brush aside the protests of aged , dying or mentally affected patients .
26 ‘ It was just one of those quirky , naughty , wild sort of drunken things that people do from time to time , ’ said Lowe .
27 We certainly have not ceased erm to undertake educational work and erm I do from time to time er do a number of reports on that work for er our funding bodies and er recently I 've done a report requested by Northern Arts , for the Arts Council I believe .
28 Although we do not everywhere have the precision of Mesozoic chronology , we do from time to time find evidence , in all parts of the stratigraphical column , of very rapid and very spasmodic deposition in the most harmless of sediments .
29 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
30 Although some modern dancers do without music in the accepted sense of that term , they rarely do without rhythmic phrasing .
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