Example sentences of "do [verb] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 John said , ‘ I do want to go on helping people . ’
2 If you do want to go on receiving the New Internationalist you need do nothing .
3 But having said that , given that we do need to go on and talk about it , I will do my my best to give that information er that I have .
4 Dr ‘ Patterson ’ … patients here are very much consultant oriented , and no matter how much you may feel you 're on the right lines for treatment , they do expect to go along and see a consultant .
5 I think they do have to go in , you have to go into each area
6 I felt and this is the bit I like , I , I some I , I used to set this at one point in the examination question and ask people to guess which American president said it I 'll read , I 'll read it to you measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful if indispensable to the preservation of the constitution through the preservation of the nation just , I 'll just get the essence of that , measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful if indispensable to the preservation of the constitution through the preservation of the nation ninety percent put Richard Nixon er no one put Abraham Lincoln er cos he was one of the good guys right or wrong I assume this ground I could not feel that to the best of my ability I had even tried to preserve the if to save James Buchanan is essentially the Pontius Pilate of American politics he says yes these are very acute problems er and very difficult er and I 'd like to help but I 'm sorry I ca n't and I really do have to go off and wash my hands now erm and , you know , you carry on and when you 've resolved it tell me what you want me to do and I 'll ,
7 This is the ‘ quiet ’ season for branch events , but the AGM and social at the Reddings on 26th February is an important occasion , so do try to go along .
8 She had the Monday market did n't she ? like all things , you know , though people do tend to go in and look and then say ooh yes , very nice !
9 Even when you do start going out with someone special , do n't spend ALL your time with them .
10 Do please go on sending me your stuff .
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