Example sentences of "one [noun] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 At this point you realise that you either need one computer to generate the images and a second to handle the transfer of these to the film recorder or you buy a bulk film pack ( which at over £6,000 costs as much again as the PCR/SlideWriter ! ) and run the imaging process overnight .
2 He had been too rushed and busy in Rome to enjoy his stay there , although it seems that the American writer , Frederic Prokosch , persuaded him to go on a pilgrimage one afternoon to find the legendary " Golden Bough " on the shores of Lake Nemi ; what they found was an old and dilapidated oak .
3 At last she decided upon action , and set out one afternoon to clinch the matter .
4 One change to simplify the scheme , announced in October , will mean relief is divided equally in properties occupied by three or more chargepayers , rather than to two nominated inviduals .
5 One change to simplify the scheme , announced in October , will mean relief is divided equally in properties occupied by three or more chargepayers , rather than to two nominated inviduals .
6 So er that was a telephone call to the divisional officer , who was available at the moment and who came down and discussed it with the employer and notwithstanding that , in the afternoon I had given the management one hour to resolve the problem otherwise there was going to be a major walkout .
7 The subjects were placed supine under a gamma camera and we waited at least one hour to allow the patients to recover from the procedure .
8 Swiss-inclined boiler locomotives are used on the line , and the train takes one hour to travel the 4½ miles to the summit .
9 Stage coaches operational between Edinburgh and Leith , taking one hour to accomplish the journey .
10 However , some latitude is allowed if the landlord has only one opportunity to determine the lease on a specified date .
11 Draw aside one veil to see the woman , to hear her name , but she ‘ ll still be wrapped — enmeshed — in history , both personal and remote , and in social context , both immediate and distant , which makes her subjectivity relative , her identity contingent .
12 Bearing in mind the narrowness of the border and the thickness of the paste , it is best to use a fairly small brush ( 25–50mm ) in one direction to prevent the border from sliding about on the pasting table .
13 The two-day gathering brought together the widest range of disciplines yet assembled under one roof to discuss the American government 's hotly-contested claim that the Soviet Union is backing a ‘ yellow rain ’ of terror in Laos and Kampuchea .
14 A wipe , by the way , is like on of those weird effects the directors of such programs as Top of the Pops are so keen on — where the picture changes via a tumbling square or comes in from one side to replace the picture you have onscreen already .
15 1 Peel all the vegetables and cut into matchstick-sized pieces , keeping the beetroot chips to one side to stop the other vegetables turning pink .
16 Since the wells are at the edge of the block , you will be able to slide the glass to one side to fill the wells .
17 He was sitting by the window , wrapped in his great plaid , his head twisted to one side to ease the wound in his neck .
18 When Phil Collins came on , his jacket had such wide shoulders that I had to lean to one side to see the monitor TV set which the producer uses to scribble messages to me .
19 The constable stood to one side to allow the detectives to file past him , Norman Pinder slouching between them .
20 Instead of regarding all confrontation situations as zero-sum games ( in which for one side to win the other must lose ) we could attempt to extract gains for both sides .
21 They listen for them , cocking their heads to one side to catch the sound of the grub chewing its way through the wood which , since wood is its food , it does most of the time .
22 The larger , bolder birds such as magpies , crows and jackdaws were searching for food on the fairways — on one occasion a golf ball landed near to a crow who nonchalantly moved to one side to avoid the missile .
23 The wheels of the cart rumbled and crashed over the obstacle , and Alexei jumped smartly to one side to avoid the form which sprawled in his path .
24 Then as she started to unbutton her blouse she moved around the bed and sat down , turning her head to one side to read the titles of the books in the mellow light from the table lamp .
25 He spat to one side to clear the blood from his mouth .
26 Further while municipal law can survive a fairly high incidence of order-violation and still fulfil its ordering function , the nature of international conflict is such that comparatively few violations , perhaps only one attempt to resist the lawful force of a world state , might be more than enough to undermine the rationale for the whole edifice of peace law .
27 However , one attempt to test the extent of misreporting ( Martin/Butcher , 1982 ) found that , in general , it was not so great as to be a cause for concern .
28 One attempt to explain the choice of price subsidies and in-kind transfers is to assume a ‘ goods-specific ’ externality .
29 One attempt to assess the performance of publicly owned industries presents a picture of an average rate of growth of productivity per man very similar to private manufacture but , within that , very wide variations between a high for British Gas and a low for the National Coal Board .
30 The Wizard Kaster Dreckspatz of Altdorf lies still in the Great Hospice of Frederheim after one attempt to breach the walls .
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