Example sentences of "out the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rose pinched out the candle flame and lay down .
2 Sorted out the test roster and Greg has worked wonders
3 The program has ‘ looked ’ at your pattern and worked out the colour order from both horizontal and vertical lines .
4 Why you should take out the Sun Alliance Personal Accident Plan
5 Unir wanted to wait and push the stuff for Windows NT but then changed its mind when Sun Microsystems Inc brought out the Sun Classic workstation and looked like it was going to get a larger installed base .
6 Now , Miss Adams , cut out the comedy act and tell me where he is . ’
7 The instructor may have been wondering if the height was going to be sufficient for a normal approach even though the student had already cut out the base leg to make a 180° turn on to finals .
8 Where 's the ashtray gone out the hole Bill ?
9 But , in carrying out the scan technique , you will need to define each attitude to yourself in rather more detail .
10 Drill or channel out the wall plaster for rear cable entry
11 Drill or channel out the wall plaster for water pipe entry
12 Theodora had spread out the Ordnance Survey and fended off Tobias long enough to make out a route .
13 I still like those wedding ones , with them coming out the church flying
14 Kick off your hand-tooled leather moccasins and kneel in a prayer-like manner as we parade the rumpy pumpy king of lurve techno , BLAKE BAXTER , before your reddened and disbelieving eyes , or go and see a play about clubbing , Excess XS , check out the GROOVE CHECK Single Of The Week , and familiarise yourself with BUMP 's all-time prime movers .
15 Unscrew the end cap and use a screwdriver to lever out the piston assembly .
16 ‘ The waiter makes a note of the table number , and Charlie digs out the credit slip at the end of the evening .
17 She had not been pleased when it turned out the credit chip he needed to pay her fine was with the rest of his stuff on Plenty .
18 There should be time not only to carry out the patient care but also to discuss and evaluate it .
19 And what pride she had , that transcended her meagre purse and the threadbare pelisse that so little kept out the winter cold that she still wore it inside the house , and had been obliged to come down from her room to seek a little warmth from the dying fire .
20 One can chart the seasons by the changes in the paintings : the appearance of the first Impressionists on the walls in early November always tell me it 's time to get out the winter overcoat .
21 thought right , spanner took it out the starter motor
22 In a statement broadcast by Radio Free Bougainville and repeated by Radio Australia , a BRA spokesman vowed to drive out the invasion force .
23 The sceptic might , at this point , complain that while I may have sketched out the functionalist position , I have not provided any convincing arguments as to why one should believe it .
24 First of all it brings out the functionalist point that the different " aspects " of social relationship , in the fields of kinship , economy , politics , law , religion etc. , are all versions of the same thing .
25 The Minister has repeatedly said that he does not want to single out the defence industry for special consideration .
26 Scoring : A the end of the 50 experimental trials , all reaction times were crossed out the response sheet for incorrect answers , excluding them from further analysis .
27 After a tit had seen another tit open a milk bottle top it might then try out the behaviour pattern for itself ; it would discover the reward , and go on to open other bottles .
28 I forgot to say take out the bay leaf before it sets .
29 In the uranium mines , workers breathe in radioactive dust as they dig out the metal ore which contains the valuable element .
30 Perhaps as often as once a month , depending partly on the amount of dust in the air , you should get out the drive cleaning kit and service the heads in the way I 've described before trouble starts .
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