Example sentences of "out into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These glands are surrounded by sheets of muscle which , when contracted , squeeze the venom out into the barb .
2 I am careful to make this only the slightest of tints , then from the top down I was in a tone of cerulean fading out into the orange .
3 It was on the biggest floating pontoon that was available and they towed it out into the lagoon in Venice , stuck a couple of pirate flags on the top and it was like a floating city seething with roadies !
4 Jetties , piers and hides have been built out into the reeds and these make ideal observation platforms .
5 The current had already sucked us out into the centre of the river , and we were gathering speed downstream .
6 ‘ I 've been mad for too long , ’ Patsy replied , moving out into the centre of the yard .
7 Slipping ammunition into the Winchester , he strolled out into the centre of the road , and stood casually , facing north , the shortened rifle held loosely but firmly in his hands .
8 I went out into the gallery , Ruthven 's door opened , the Scotsman came out , picked up the cat , smiled at me and went inside .
9 Er and erm I used to put it in this and go to out into the mess room outside where they there was a cook and it was a very grand name for a person you know , a cook .
10 as if to avoid meeting her , Agnes hurried out into the corridor .
11 ‘ Then they said they would need the cubicle and wheeled her out into the corridor opposite a phone . ’
12 They ran out and , shutting the door behind them , blocked the gaps around it with a torn sheet to stop the water leaking out into the corridor .
13 The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor .
14 When I got out into the corridor I saw that a piece of wire had been strung between two beams on either side of the block and that a sort of ladder was leaning against it .
15 I stood up and went out into the corridor .
16 I ran out into the corridor .
17 She opened the front door and stepped out into the corridor , which was more private than the flat if mother was only pretending to be asleep , which was possible .
18 My father used to spend hours on the lavatory smoking and reading the paper ; when he finally emerged at my mother 's disgusted summons , a rich smell of shit and tobacco would sidle out into the corridor .
19 The twin doors sighed open , and Manville stepped slowly out into the corridor .
20 At the eighth floor she stepped out into the corridor , glanced to the right …
21 Nellie was holding on to his arm as they walked out into the corridor and he felt her tense .
22 He runs out into the corridor and collides with his friend Richard , who is carrying a chessboard , and the pieces scatter over the floor .
23 Whitlock said good night to Mobuto then followed Kolchinsky out into the corridor .
24 One by one he checked them off on his register , letting them stagger out into the corridor where the ghouls who liked disasters were already forming a pressing crowd .
25 ‘ You did n't think of opening your door and looking out into the corridor ? ’ she asked .
26 As the door at the far end of the room hissed open , steam billowed out into the corridor beyond .
27 Tossing her safari jacket aside with a regretful air , she shrugged on the purloined lab coat , picked up a dusty clipboard from the shelf , and stepped back out into the corridor .
28 Isobel stepped out into the corridor , quiet except for the ever-present low murmur of the station 's output as it played over unobtrusive speakers .
29 The court usher appeared then and asked them to move out into the corridor .
30 Duvall untensed , standing aside as the three other members of the forensic team blundered out into the corridor .
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