Example sentences of "out [coord] [vb base] him " in BNC.

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1 Do you have to walk miles to turn him out or bring him in ?
2 She got up early to muck him out and groom him and exercise him , and she babysat nearly every evening to keep him in good oats ( not Uncle Knacker 's ) and shoes , and when she saw the riders she was up against in the collecting ring , with their adoring parents and their fat cheque-books , it just made her all the more determined to beat them , because determination was all she had .
3 But I think I 'll know how to dig him out and take him in the later rounds . ’
4 Weir said : ‘ I 'm confident of keeping Alex out and stop him scoring .
5 Usually , the dog never stirs in the morning until I appear , fully clad , so my plan was to come downstairs , lift the ashtray , let the dog out and follow him to the hypercium .
6 A great anger had heated up , one of Robertson 's new windows had been shattered by a stone , and the womenfolk had made a move to drag the teacher out and throw him in the river .
7 " We 're going to take him out and show him round . "
8 At last , Jimmy was telling the story that had first prompted Cardiff to seek him out and bring him here .
9 This was a disaster of some magnitude , and there was nothing for it but to seek the man out and tell him what had happened .
10 I would have to seek Neil out and tell him that his old acquaintance was now , if not necessarily dangerous , at the least some kind of villain , who needed careful watching .
11 Ought she to seek Spruce out and tell him what she knew ?
12 In fact , if he had n't have knocked him and out and put him in a coma in last round that Michael Watson would have won it .
13 Spread out and find him . ’
14 You can , as I said just now , pick up the gauntlet and say squeeze him out and force him through the cones and whatever thing might result of that , you just do n't know , or you can say , Well alright , ease off , go on , you have the space , I do n't really need it , I 'm not in a hurry .
15 As soon as he started to tear the paper off I had a wild desire to snatch it back , rush out and buy him a record-player ; it seemed such a ludicrously inadequate present after all he 'd done for me .
16 He never attended any public ceremonies , where the ever-vigilant eyes of the KGB could pick him out and identify him .
17 You 're just a frightened dame who 's going to buy him an airplane ticket out and give him a stake for good measure .
18 Cut him out and slip him into the stocking so he peeps out of the top .
19 But before we do , I must call Mr Kobold , tell him what I have found out and have him send some more money . ’
20 His subsequent career has been a switchback which reached its nadir five years ago , when Thomas Hearns produced a devastating right to the chin to knock him out and send him into retirement .
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