Example sentences of "out in the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Times have changed dramatically for the worse in Wales , a condition brought on as much as anything by the masochistic fixture-making which has brought about so much contact between the countries since the Welsh were blacked out in the 1987 World Cup semi-final .
2 In New Zealand 's ’ King Country' — so called because of the Maori kings who fought a guerrilla war against the settling English — Maori lads fresh from rounding up the droves of merino sheep from the bush clad hills would have a night out in the one horse town and go to the fleapit .
3 Even the native polyphonic villancico died out in the 1560s , as the solo form with vihuela did a decade or so later .
4 Nearly all research in communist East Germany was carried out in the 57 institutes of the Academy of Sciences , with universities being given little chance to conduct serious research .
5 Despite an expansion in access to education in the 1970s and reforms carried out in the 1960s and again in the late 1970s , the fundamental patterns of inequality have remained and have been accentuated by the war .
6 As William Hamilton , now at the University of Michigan , pointed out in the 1960s , a male can perpetuate its genes in the next generation , not only by fathering offspring himself , but also by assisting the reproductive efforts of near relations who share many of his genes .
7 The collection begins in 1901 with Picasso 's ‘ Woman in Blue ’ and peters out in the 1960s , although there are some exceptions , such as Miró 's late works .
8 An exhibition of the work of conceptual photographer Hans Peter Feldmann carried out in the 1960s and 1970s runs parallel to these two exhibitions .
9 In addition , cardiac surgery was not carried out in the two districts studied .
10 Opponents of the idea that the management of education and training can benefit from the lessons of business and industry found it ironic that the messages which were put out in the two documents criticized weaknesses in the world of employers rather than of educators .
11 The Further and Higher Education Bill implements policies set out in the two White Papers : Education and training for the twenty-first century and Higher education : A new framework .
12 Chairman , I believe that this is just the sort of motion that can only bring local government into disrepute It 's an abuse of power the council holds lands in the county farms estate for purposes set out in the nineteen sixty agriculture act .
13 Electronic with Getting Away With it , always reminds me a bit of the new order record that er came out in the nineteen ninety world cup period .
14 Breach of the requirements set out in the 1963 Act is a criminal offence and may lead to prosecution .
15 As part of the growing concept of community care , spelt out in the 1963 Health and Welfare : the Development of Community Care plans , many authorities have recognized that the physically disabled , like the elderly , usually want to retain their independence and avoid entering homes as long as possible .
16 However , the Court found that , as was stated in the recitals to the regulation , the definition of value and the interpretative notes set out in the 1590 Convention had been embodied into the legislation of the Member States in different ways , and also certain optional provisions of the interpretative notes were being applied differently in different Member States .
17 Clauses 84 to 92 carry over and develop the arrangements for valuation set out in the 1991 Act and provide for changes to be made in lists to take account , for example , of new properties and appeals against taxation .
18 Once the notice has been served , the tenant has the right to apply to the Court for a new general lease and the Court will grant a new lease of up to 14 years unless the landlord objects on one of the few grounds for objection set out in the 1954 Act .
19 Four independent photon-correlation experiments carried out in the 1970s showed that Bell 's inequality is indeed violated , and that the results agree with quantum mechanics .
20 Unlike most of its competitors , the firm has tended to inspire loyalty on the part of its consultants — who , since Stuart sold out in the 1970s , may enjoy a share in the equity — and has achieved a remarkable stability of gradually improved performance , still at a rate of 35% per year .
21 Initially it was thought that there was an impairment in memory for visual stimuli but work carried out in the 1970s largely dispelled this notion .
22 The WHO collaborative studies carried out in the 1970s , indeed , support the suggestions made above .
23 The Doctor had explained that in 1969 a man had walked on the moon ; that unmanned space flights to other stars had been sent out in the 1970s and towards the end of the twentieth century manned space flights had visited other planets in the solar system .
24 Several case studies were carried out in the 1970s , of which the Liverpool Inner Area Study ( 1975 ) is of particular interest .
25 In the circumstances , another Bill was presented to Parliament , entitled The Croydon & District Electric Tramways ( Extensions ) Bill 1903 , offering alternative routings to those thrown out in the 1902 Act .
26 These arguments then lead us to support the third of the options for change set out in the 1992 Green Paper .
27 The background to cuts was set out in the 1976 White paper on public Expenditure ( Cmnd 6393 ) : ‘ Popular expectations for improved public services and welfare programmes have not been matched by growth in output or by willingness to forgo improvements in private living standards in favour of these programmes . ’
28 It would be asking a lot of Christie to beat Michael Johnson , Frankie Fredericks and Olapade Adeniken , three of the best in the business , first time out in the 200 metres .
29 Much of what we saw related discouragingly to familiar bad habits , a thought that occurred , not for the first time , to George Cohen , who for the benefit of younger readers made a notable contribution to the history of English football when turning out in the 1966 World Cup final .
30 We had given them the prospect of an out in the five years and they did very well out of their investment . ’
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