Example sentences of "out of [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bounce went out of her as if she had burst .
2 Then she buried her head in the pillow and the tears came and came , flowing out of her as if there was to be no end to them , ever .
3 She held her breath for a moment and then the tears and the breath burst out of her at the same time .
4 Rage drained out of her with numbing speed , leaving her empty and cold .
5 He had cleverly inveigled that out of her without her realizing it .
6 Amelia 's unsubtle lust for him darted out of her like static electricity .
7 She looked as if she was not entirely sure she was a cat , as if , thought Henry , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight of her nine lives were oozing out of her like blood from a wound .
8 His prong began to thrust in and out of her like a greased piston , and she found it slipped up her arse as often as it penetrated her vagina .
9 She lay back in the chair and he went out of her like alcohol .
10 She must n't let him take the rise out of her like that .
11 For a while she raged , inarticulate in her grief , rushing about the room uncontrollably , smashing and breaking , the pent-up anger pouring out of her in grunting , shrieking torrents .
12 Remember a couple of weeks ago when you were taking the piss out of him for being scruffy , you told him not to come in again unless he was wearing a tie .
13 He had to keep this manner , this pained narrative , so that any reader would feel that the account had been forced out of him with great reluctance , and that the sordid events he had yet to describe were softened by the compassion and generous charity of the writer .
14 Only George knew that she had run off to Brighton with a salesman , but his mother had guessed as much and beaten her daughter 's whereabouts out of him with a belt .
15 They 'd take the mickey out of him at school for that .
16 Wild horses would scarcely drag this plan out of him at the hearings , even though all he had been shown was a wall map of Central America : nothing classified , no black programmes , no code words .
17 The scabby , festering evil went out of him at the touch of this holy place .
18 It makes , you know , if we we 're not gon na go bust just to get twelve months bloody work out of him on a service contract !
19 All that he had to give her with his mind and body was sucked out of him into her .
20 The word dragged out of him as if speech was an effort .
21 Nonetheless , he felt annoyed at Eleanor for trying to wring sympathy out of him in this way .
22 " Ah , hell , what 's the point ? " came out of him in a choking sob , and he put his arm over his face .
23 Manjiku 's pale , pale , he ca n't bear the light of the sun , it burns his pale skin , his pale flesh , it leaches the life out of him in blisters and wens .
24 Ye 'd never have got it out of him in a million years .
25 Matthew , as usual , was unwilling to answer a straight question , but I got it out of him in the end .
26 We do n't know exactly where but it must have been close , as he dragged himself home to his favourite spot on the lawn where his life ebbed out of him in the quiet of the night .
27 He crossed to the window to set wide the shutter on the last night of May , and heave the smokiness of his long closeted hours out of him in great , assuaging breaths .
28 The Carabinieri chief had left at once with a promise of finding the man within the hour , to which he added , sotto voce , a pledge to get the truth out of him by whatever methods might be necessary .
29 One of the bigger problems was that Fergie believed I was taking the mickey out of him by either cheating or going soft and feigning injury .
30 Gilmour says a confession was beaten out of him by police .
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