Example sentences of "out from his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two weeks later , he starts a series of shuddering contractions and tiny miniature sea-horses shoot out from his pouch .
2 She saw the man with the fat-barrelled gun held out from his shoulder .
3 North 's work that he tore out from his diary the corner of a page on which he had written North 's name , and threw it away .
4 Later this month Sam Torrance will set out from his home in Largs to embark on no less than his 20th season on the PGA European Tour .
5 His eyes stuck out from his head like little squab knobs
6 All his dealings had been with himself and that larger self of family which had been thrown together by marriage or accident : he had never been able to go out from his shell of self .
7 In the evening Chola woke him with some water to drink : he winced and then groaned as the pain shot out from his thigh and radiated through his body .
8 The track ran along the lip of the natural amphitheatre , no trees guarding it from the eighty-foot drop to the small lake , so Trent could look out from his ambush across the track to the meadow below .
9 The timing was opportune because Ned was able to take a year out from his university course ; Matthew had just finished school ; Val got 6 months ’ leave of absence from her job ; and I had just been given early retirement .
10 The defendant was arrested when he again opened the door to find out from his friend where he was being taken .
11 But I found out from his friend that his name is Billy Davis , formerly from Donaldson Street in Anfield .
12 He moved like flowing mercury , out from his shelter and sliding along the wall toward the door …
13 He tried to resist the voice — to shut it out from his mind — to will himself towards his destination again — towards the light .
14 THERE has been much comment in Blackpool about the way John Smith claps his hands , elbows out from his side so that his arms form a bar across his chest , hands thundering into each other with short , sharp smacks .
15 Ember pivoted , gun well out from his side .
16 Lines of humour fanned out from his mouth , and his teeth gleamed whitely in the darkness .
17 At this moment the King , who had been for some time busily writing in his notebook , called out , ‘ Silence ! ’ and read out from his book , ‘ Rule Forty-Two .
18 He can never see anything in front of him because of all the smoke he belches out from his nose and mouth , but that does n't bother him .
19 The tradition , as related by Butcher , is that in 1209 ( the date popularly associated with the introduction of bull-baiting into England ) , William de Warrenne , Lord of Stamford , on looking out from his castle walls , saw two bulls fighting for a cow in the castle meadows .
20 If a portfolio manager is considering investing in a company for 5 years , how much should he be prepared to pay if he finds out from his broker that the company is expected to perform as follows : .
21 If the minister had been looking out from his manse windows , he would have thought that his prophecy had found honour in its own country at last .
22 Bored and fed up , he was straining his smarting eyes to pierce the swirling murk to keep the fire escape in view , when his attention was drawn to his colleague moving out from his surveillance position .
23 There simply is n't any dramatic , conflict in a story about a purported villain who wears a Beatle cap , drinks from a huge glass with fish in it and gazes out from his island home on the great blue sea as he waits for his pursuers , a pair of handsome would-be lovers who sing songs like ‘ We could of , we should of , perhaps we can .
24 Under his arm he carried a large portfolio of drawings and she saw that he had pencils sticking out from his pocket .
25 Jones made this point by taking a small flashlight out from his pocket and making a strong cautionary comment that he would be ‘ extremely surprised if enough power could be generated by the process to power even a flashlight . ’
26 No one knew quite what he did ; sometimes the sounds of country-and-western music drifted out from his study , sometimes he emerged smelling strongly of alcohol , but mostly , judging from the titanic snores that shook the wall of the staffroom , he slept .
27 ON day two of MP-TV Nicholas Ridley was scheduled to make a live appearance before the cameras — or , as it turned out from his speech , a dead appearance .
28 He had been there at least a week , a stain of blood spreading out from his face across the bottom mattress , his shattered body preserved by the freezing February weather .
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