Example sentences of "out [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 She resolved to find out about the other woman .
2 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
3 ‘ Suddenly , ’ Mr Parker recalled , ‘ he calmly turned to me and said he would not negotiate for Taylor at all , would pretend he knew nothing about him , and would go all out for the other goalkeeper . ’
4 Similar analyses have been carried out for the other major journals , and the full results are available in Will 1991 .
5 What I 'm trying to say is that er Notts County supporters have got ta watch out for the other English teams ' scores rather than the Italian teams ' scores .
6 There are stories , however , that know the depths of these fears , take their readers into them , into the experience , and then out through the other side .
7 So we get two things , we get a very good new personality , and secondly , an intelligent personality , and , therefore , and this is an important part of the strategy , she gets out of the other archaeologists she 's talking to a much higher level of interaction and intellectual interchange than she would if she were simply a standard presenter .
8 It is a very useful behaviour when trying to get to the bottom of things and when you need to tease information out of the other person .
9 Burning straw was the best fun — it was poked through the grill at the front of the grate and , when it caught fire , smoke would stream out of the other end .
10 If he hits one then he bounds about inside the unit , bouncing from foe to foe , until he spins out of the other side , leaving the enemy completely devastated .
11 Sure enough , they soon saw Mait , as he rushed out of the other side of a grotto they were just entering .
12 While Heathcliff was getting his breath back , Mr Edgar walked out of the other kitchen door into the garden .
13 It was as easy as anything , and for a long time I , I felt well at least I can get in that way and then I thought oh maybe I should , you know doing , doing anything about it , but now I always go out of the other door
14 When that aim is interpreted , or at least when it comes out of the other end of the machine , it results in the odd ex-chief executive being appointed .
15 For example among all the delays which push work into the winter period there must be some which push it out of the other end of winter into summer .
16 It was only as we were doing this and grinning inanely at each other that I noticed the red Transit van turning out of the other end of the street .
17 Looking at Penguin er , it was a very difficult year but the profit you see was erm , is after providing for the losses up to the date we disposed of Smith Mark and also making further provision on , on er , leases when we moved out of the other buildings , centralized the editorial and er , administrative functions into one office and , and but for that you would see that the er , the Penguin profit would have moved ahead from the year before .
18 I regard barbaric sport , not only perhaps as fox hunting but also such things as boxing , where two people , two individuals do their best to hit the life out of the other and it is watched by thousands of people .
19 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
20 So anyway off we goes course when we come back for half an hour at ten o'clock well out of the other machine were n't it ?
21 Out of the other ones white if there was I would have chosen white .
22 Football obviously is the big one , so out of the two hundred you 'll probably get something like eighty footballers and then out of the other five sports that we 're going to host erm we will split them accordingly .
23 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
24 Even when Raimundo strapped one of her back legs to her belly to stop her kicking , she struck out with the other leg and , crashing to the ground , laid about her with her front legs and teeth .
25 Tom had meanwhile dug up his turnips , and set to work hedging , digging ditches and helping out with the other farms , when the extra labour was needed .
26 She went out with the other milkmaids to the cows in the fields .
27 From here you can see the Old Town , the New Town and the district of Vyšehrad stretched out along the other side of the Vltava River .
28 Jim Perrin , interviewing the climber John Gill , refers to how some hypnagogic states have their parallels in situations of action and describes how , on easy routes , Gill ‘ could feel himself weaving in and out of the rock , peering out from the other side of its surface ’ .
29 True , we were the two boys who did stand out from the other three by temper and temperament .
30 Ron Canny , 45 , was crouching in a ditch on one side of a field near Osage , Iowa , when about seven deer were flushed out from the other side of the field .
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