Example sentences of "out [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They have received it in the shape of detailed educational theory carefully worked out to see them through the maturation process from infancy to adulthood .
2 She could n't look out to see them in the yard .
3 The Adjutant hastens out to see him to his car , which is waiting on the edge of the square .
4 Beefy is a hero to the thousands that turn out to see him through rain and shine as he marches down the south coast .
5 And , Mum , if I do find her , I sha n't rush out to see her without giving her warning , I do know that much .
6 Ards have n't had their sorrows to seek this season , but they went out to enjoy themselves against Ulster 's big guns .
7 While it may be pleasant to have a young exuberant puppy bounding out to greet you with great enthusiasm , you do not want a large adult dog behaving in a similar fashion , leaping up and bowling people onto the floor .
8 It looks as though somebody cut a length of it and set out to kill me with it . ’
9 I had the feeling that Prentice was out to kill me with kindness , or at least make me put my hands up to something I had n't done .
10 Times have changed and now courageous young men on noble horses come out to kill us with their spears .
11 Gateshead is now my favourite stadium ; the crowd is highly knowledgeable and turns out to support us in all weathers .
12 He could n't have rushed passed me into the bedroom , seized the bottle as a convenient weapon — he could n't have known it was there , anyway — and then dashed back out to hit me before dragging me … do you see what I 'm saying ? ’
13 Although Trofin had been an ally of Ceauşescu against the old guard in the mid-1960s , in an act of rare solidarity , perhaps even comradeship , Draghici , Bârladeanu , Brucan , Corneliu Manescu , and others turned out to mourn him at his funeral .
14 Girls who could n't get themselves a husband in this country were sent out to find one in the colonies and it seldom failed . ’
15 It was suspected that there must be a link between the murders and Dovaston set out to find it by devising a computer programme that could provide a statistical profile of who the murderer was likely to be .
16 The Brigadier 's always out to catch him at it .
17 The scrape of a chair 's being drawn out jerked her from her musings , and she looked up quickly .
18 Without warning Penry 's arms shot out to pull her on tiptoe against his broad chest , returning the brief little caress with a kiss which left them both shaken when he finally set her square on her feet again .
19 The striking point , however , is that instead of merely denying the charge , he had set out to vindicate himself by finding a scientific reason why the world could not be eternal .
20 We went out to meet him at the airport and Signe hugged him and told him how much she 'd missed him and how she had cooked all his favourite foods for one vast homecoming meal but she had had an urgent phone call about sickness in the family and the dinner had all burned up so now we must eat in a restaurant .
21 The mamluks came out to meet him in battle , but their colourful medieval cavalry was no match for the modern firepower and discipline of the army of France which won a decisive victory at the Battle of the Pyramids .
22 Some of them came to Kufra , and a deputation of Zuwaya went out to meet them in the desert , inviting them to turn back .
23 An RIB ( Rigid Inflatable Boat with a ninety-horsepower outboard engine , capable of nearly forty knots ) races out to meet her with the operations captain and a customs officer on board .
24 It is the last leg of an interview marathon which began this summer , when Cooltempo , anticipating an earlier release for the record , flew a plane-load of Britain 's music press out to meet her in New York .
25 Took it out put it on the piano while I was busy playing .
26 As I passed the hall in a large comprehensive school , where notices proclaimed ‘ Quiet please : examination in progress ’ , the invigilator , a geography teacher , staggered out to engage me in slurred discussion of educational issues .
27 Another good lesson came in the shape of a small bent old lady , with moth-eaten woollen gloves , who always singled me out to serve her with a dozen cracked eggs that were extremely cheap .
28 Nelson , having appointed her Anpetuwi 's own version of ‘ Dear Abby ’ , took the trouble to seek her out to consult her about a problem he was having with the chambermaid , Billie .
29 Of course , few of us really set out to destroy someone of whom we are jealous ; none the less Hegel is describing an extreme form of such a feeling .
30 They would meet in the morning at Mabel 's house , and have a cup of tea and a biscuit before setting out to fortify them for the journey .
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