Example sentences of "up an [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I read about the poor devil , that those buggers trumped up an espionage charge against him and he 's years to serve in Russia .
2 Nearer the cottage the soldiers had set up an infestation grid , the dull mauve light attracting anything small and winged from the surrounding meadows .
3 In the UK , and in the USA , the first step has been to try to set up an assessment procedure ( Simpson , 1981 ) ; then to consider how training might best be implemented .
4 He is less confident about striker Ian Wright , who scored in both Wembley games but picked up an ankle injury to go with his broken toe .
5 However , midfielder Jason Ainsley will miss the game after picking up an ankle injury in midweek , and also out of the side is striker Andrew Shaw , who is suspended .
6 Readers of The Favourite Game will remember Breavman dissecting a frog , which arose out of such early experiences ; they will also remember his tearing up an economics textbook outside a bank on Sherbrooke Street — another reaction to the struggles and disinterest he later recalled .
7 And the very day we were with her she opened a new Citizens ' Advice Bureau in Beccles with considerable aplomb — no easy task after SHE fashion team had stunned the locals by setting up an ironing board in the middle of the town car park and giving Christine 's purple suit a quick press on the spot .
8 I have also announced that , subject to the agreement of the European Commission , the Government intend to set up an enterprise zone in north Lanarkshire .
9 We 've also got to implement the famous Community Care Act , which implies that we 've got to set up an inspection unit of all our own services .
10 The Emperor smiles , opens up an inspection panel in his chest and says .
11 The Environmental Protection Agency of the Chinese government has set up an inspection team which will tour the country over a three-year period to ensure that environmental laws are being properly enforced , and to heighten awareness of environmental issues .
12 Extend short term crisis support at home to East and West Lothian and set up an alarm scheme for frail elderly people in Midlothian .
13 The 26-strong team has quickly set up an operating theatre , resuscitation area , X-ray department and a ward in two rooms in the British base a former school at Vitez .
14 The contractor will also need to set up an operating body to run the utility during its concessionary period .
15 A fight involving 150 people led to BUF members breaking up an IFL meeting , tearing up its banner and beating up Arnold Leese and Brigadier-General Blakeney , the ex-president of the BFs .
16 Namibia 's more than 700,000 residents are voting for a 72-member constituent assembly to draw up an independence constitution and prepare the way for full independence next year , perhaps as early as April .
17 Draw up an order form and fill in an order for the following goods :
18 The journal has now changed its status to that of a charity which will give tax advantages and will enable it to set up an endowment fund .
19 Fuchs wanted to solve his finance problems by selling off two Picassos in order to set up an endowment fund : the attempt was foiled although it resulted in a healthy debate about de-accessioning in Dutch museums .
20 The college want to make the sale , sanctioned by the Charity Commissioners last summer , to set up an endowment fund for maintenance , restoration and refurbishment of Royal Holloway 's Founder 's Building , as well as for the upkeep and security for the remaining pictures .
21 Romanians would be given the chance to take up an ownership stake in a POF — a kind of embryonic mutual fund — by registering the privatization vouchers which were to be issued to all eligible citizens .
22 They 're very wide ranging , and if er , Chair , if members would , would just like to look down at the list of er , options , without going through er , each one individually , but they do range from er , work with er former cottage hospitals , er , front room day care , the further development of home care cooperatives , work er , for people who er , have spinal injuries , who have intake , and er , an interpreter service for , for people who have a hearing loss , and particularly er , helping er , the Shropshire Disability Consortium to set up an interpreting service in the county .
23 In the terms of the old philosophical dilemma , most of us would save the endangered baby from the house before we 'd save the Mona Lisa — even if the baby were far more likely to grow up an art thief than another Michelangelo or Da Vinci !
24 Rick had gone to Cheltenham to help some friends to set up an art exhibition and Lou had gone with him .
25 West Midlands police have set up an incident room at the city 's Little Park Street police station where the mother is being interviewed .
26 The CID had set up an incident room at sub-divisional headquarters .
27 Police have set up an incident room at Cowley .
28 He says ; The police have set up an incident room with four teams of officers working on the case .
29 Milton Keynes police have set up an incident room and they 're appealing for any witnesses .
30 Milton Keynes police have set up an incident room and they 're appealing for any witnesses .
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