Example sentences of "up at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He stared up at the windows and then caught sight of the pulpit .
2 He slipped quietly in and glanced up at the windows and walls until his attention was drawn to a mop of fair hair sticking out from behind one of the back pews .
3 She stood on the pavement looking up at the windows of their kitchen on the third floor .
4 Then Bunny , battling his way against the flow of the children , appeared in the hall and halted for a moment , the belt of his mackintosh undone , looking up at the windows of the rehearsal room .
5 I like it because it 's old , and grey , and dark , and yet I hate — ’ He did not finish what he was saying , staring angrily up at the windows on the top floor of his house .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ he replied , looking up at the windows of the house .
7 He looked up at the windows of the house .
8 He did not say that a week ago the boy had been standing under the monkey-puzzle in the middle of the night , looking up at the windows of the house .
9 She said she wanted Timothy Gedge to stop looking up at the windows of the house .
10 He glanced up at the windows of the three handsome houses .
11 I look up at the windows .
12 I stop for a moment at my gate and look up at the windows of my house .
13 He looked at the still slightly smoking hole in the couch , just beside where he 'd sat , then up at the holes in the ceiling .
14 Fergus took no notice ; he kept on crying , still staring up at the holes in the ceiling .
15 He crowed suddenly up at the drawings tacked on the wall , then at other times was perfectly quiet and lovely , just looking at things , motes of light , bits of fluff , a pencil .
16 Halfway down we caught up with them outside the Trift Hotel and sat together in the sunshine on the veranda looking up at the peaks , eating spaghetti and drinking beer .
17 We float in silence , listening to the melodic , descending whistle of the ubiquitous canyon wren , gazing up at the ravens and turkey vultures , scanning the cliffs for deer and sheep .
18 He took them out , stopped and stared up at the ravens cawing raucously against the blue sky .
19 Well , there 's a certain romance in floating in a warm swimming pool on a cold winter 's night , looking up at the stars and wondering whether to fling oneself down the rapids or go and sit in a Jacuzzi instead .
20 Later , in sleeping-bags , with Grégoire quiet and breathing peacefully , Edouard lay on his back , and looked up at the stars .
21 ‘ Martin Fierro 's aim in life was to sleep on a bed of clover , look up at the stars , and live as free as a bird in the sky .
22 And I 'd stand there , easing my aching back , and looking up at the stars .
23 Here the Harper clan gather , a small tribe , frail , ageing , on the threshold of 1980 , in the presence of the sky : here thirteen-year-old Celia , young , aspiring , judgemental , reflects upon the past , as , long after her usual bedtime , she looks up at the stars and plots her own future .
24 Looking up at the stars I thought of the goddess Nut , her breasts spangled with constellations .
25 Float on my back a bit and stare up at the stars . ’
26 The fortune-teller lay on her back behind the low wall and she was dying , or perhaps she was dead , for her eyes were open and she looked up at the stars .
27 I lay in my chair and stared up at the stars .
28 She glanced up at the stars to avoid looking at his face .
29 He wished he was free of Cranston and this matter ; free of Cheapside , back at the top of his tower , staring up at the stars .
30 It was dark when they got outside , and , walking silently beside him , she stared up at the stars , and gave an unconscious little sigh .
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