Example sentences of "up to [art] point " in BNC.

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1 Up to a point .
2 Yes , well , up to a point
3 Up to a point , regulation may attract business by offering a more secure environment .
4 But only up to a point , you see .
5 Up to a point that is correct .
6 You can , up to a point ( and we did up to that point ) , protect yourself against them with jungle gels and mustard gases , but the trees give no mercy and there are hours of them between Staddajakkstugorna , a mountain hut on the side of Kapasluoppal , and Staloluokta .
7 In their personal freedom I would n't say they are free like English girls but they are up to a point .
8 As far as APEX is concerned they are OK up to a point but they just want to follow the legal procedures and we want them to take some kind of militant action .
9 They always want to follow legal procedures up to a point , when even they realised that without some kind of help from other unions they were not going to win this strike .
10 The watchword was always ‘ differentiation ’ which was plain enough up to a point : policy would not be made en bloc , but country by country , depending .
11 It 's an attractive vision , up to a point , and it has a certain reality .
12 Up to a point his ruthlessness succeeded .
13 It seems to have been working — up to a point at least — and even members of the opposition Popular Front agree that he has been accepted by many Moldavians .
14 Only up to a point : without oil Saddam Hussein would not have invaded Kuwait ; nor would his invasion have threatened the West 's security .
15 But the piling-up of EC surpluses of beef , dairy products and cereals could — up to a point .
16 So it does — up to a point .
17 Up to a point they will , but they can not afford to let rescuing the banks sap their competitiveness , whether against other Japanese firms or against foreign ones .
18 Up to a point , the more money that racecourses spend , the more exciting the races , the more punters therefore spend , and so on .
19 The gods could , up to a point , be merciful ; but it was fate that was all-powerful .
20 It will be seen that English law does this up to a point , and in the process seems to accept social-defence arguments as reasons for departing from several of the principles set out in Chapter 3 .
21 ‘ I think you 're right up to a point , ’ agrees Friday .
22 McFarlane took it to heart also , but only up to a point .
23 Finally the helpful priest drove up to a point overlooking a fine old stone harbour , with a few houses on the quayside .
24 Are they saying , they only have control up to a point ?
25 This deliberate use of anti-climax is effective up to a point , but it gives the book a rather flat , colourless quality .
26 He thinks that he wants a reconciliation , and up to a point he does ; but what he hopes most of all is that Alfred will give his blessing to the new play he has written — a drama of sibling rivalry called Brother Mine .
27 The bar stool and the soapbox were corny but they worked , up to a point .
28 So in normal circumstances the WEA is a voluntary movement up to a point , but also a partnership between voluntary and professional members — and a partnership which usually achieves the best results in a context of mutual respect .
29 In attempting to explain this last finding , Hall and Honey ( 1990 ) offered a suggestion based on the observation ( made by many but see , e.g. Schachtman , Channell , and Hall ( 1987 ) that , with prolonged conditioned suppression training , the CR grows up to a point and then begins to decline in magnitude .
30 The Medical Research Council were helpful up to a point , but even Mellanby rapidly found Florey 's demands tiresome and support from that quarter dwindled .
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