Example sentences of "up into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After I 'd checked to make sure that the back of the van was locked , I jumped up into the driver 's seat and rammed the key into the ignition .
2 Miguel waited while she climbed up into the driver 's seat and wrapped on the seat belt .
3 She pressed the only button , and the cage was drawn up into the heart of City Hall .
4 Here , straight up into the heart of me .
5 At length , the larger of the two came out , slipped along the bank under cover of the brambles and so down into the ditch and up into the field .
6 But the pink-footed looks as if someone has pushed a tennis ball up into the top of a short sock : round head , short neck , with a small beak stuck on .
7 The trolled and gargoyled buttresses wheel around you through rifts in the cloud ; they stretch , soar , disappear , solidify again suddenly out of the vapour then drift impossibly far up into the mist until your senses reel at the evanescent dynamism of the scene .
8 When the required function has been selected the menu rolls back up into the menu bar leaving the screen clear .
9 A burst of applause greeted caddies and players as they walked up into the arena .
10 As soon as he got to the loose box where they had the horse he pulled a little bit of stick about six inches long out of his pocket and threw it right up into the manger .
11 All over the south and south-west of England and up into the midlands and the borders of Wales we may encounter ancient hill forts on hill tops or upper slopes , still marked by the visible line of prehistoric ditches .
12 They we were half riding , half pushing up into the mountains .
13 They took him outside and up into the mountains .
14 you can take a donkey ride up into the mountains in the morning , before spending the afternoon on a jet ski or paragliding down the beach .
15 Nevertheless , tigers once roamed over most of Asia , some trekked over the frozen north , others up into the mountains of Central Asia and more through the hot humid rain forests of the south .
16 Cable cars and chair lifts carry you effortlessly 7,000 feet up into the mountains , where there are sun-soaked terraces , with entrancing panoramas of the mountains .
17 For with the defeat of European Christendom , the Maronites too retreated , up into the mountains of northern Lebanon where their towns and villages still stand , wedged between great ravines , clinging to the icy plateaus of the Mount Lebanon range .
18 We walked along a path which wound attractively through a pine forest and round a spur of the hillside to a viewpoint overlooking the lower lake , which is spanned by a narrow bridge across which a minor road leads up into the mountains .
19 In the summer they go right up into the mountains , way beyond the permanent snow-line .
20 They were forced into a system of apartheid , driven off the good grazing land up into the mountains .
21 From Lima we went an hour 's aeroplane journey up into the mountains into another world .
22 Or the little portable sundials which shepherds used to carry up into the mountains to tell the time by ; or , a last reassuringly bucolic reminder that Bayonne 's fighting days are over , an English bayonet from the Napoleonic wars converted for stripping corn-cobs .
23 At Fabian , three miles further on , a road turns off to the right up into the mountains : I shall come back to this in a moment .
24 The second wild cat ran back up into the mountains .
25 Sixteen of us flew into Delhi — and a fifteen hour bus journey took us up into the mountains .
26 At Cajabamba we joined a slightly better road , and soon afterwards we turned west and headed up into the mountains through Huamachuco , climbing all the way .
27 Here , perhaps , all the ocean floor material has been carried up into the mountains .
28 He dealt quickly with the Romanian trip until that day when they had driven up into the mountains to visit Putna .
29 As Vitor drove up into the mountains , the little boy remained bright-eyed and wide-awake .
30 He even opened a cafe in Tangier to hear them play every day , and took Rolling Stone Brian Jones up into the mountains to record them .
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