Example sentences of "up [art] large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Participants in the Youth Training Scheme ( YTS ) make up the largest share of these , accounting for nearly nine per cent of all temporary workers , and participants in the Community Programme ( CP ) together with a small number in the Community Industry programme make up almost all the remainder , accounting for just over four per cent .
2 Mono-unsaturates ( MUFAs ) should make up the largest proportion of fats consumed .
3 For the working poor , social-security payments typically make up the largest part of their tax bill .
4 Coal is likely to make up the largest part of UK energy demand in the year 2000 at 32% , slightly more than oil at 30% .
5 Not surprisingly , for a country which is second only to Russia for the scale of its distances ( and second to no country but Norway on a per capita energy consumption basis ) motor fuels make up the largest element of oil consumption .
6 In the case of the Anglican Church , whose buildings make up the largest group of ecclesiastical structures , there exists a quite involved and considered procedure which is defined by the Pastoral Measure of 1983 .
7 When the Windsor herd arrives in late July they will make up the largest group of African elephants in the country .
8 She clocked up the largest number of seizures for any postwar cutter to date , ranging from the Polish fishing fleet on the north east coast , to yachts in the south and west .
9 Mr Heseltine was asked on LBC radio whether , if the Conservatives ended up the largest party with , say , 320 seats , Mr Major would not get on the telephone to do a deal to secure an overall majority .
10 The prime task of the 1905 revolution had been to break up the large estates and with them the political and economic power of the nobility .
11 The trust contemplates many benefits for patients , including continuing the systematic assessments and the reductions in institutional accommodation , and has plans to break up the large wards and to increase the staff-patient ratio .
12 When they reached the shearers ' quarters she became a bundle of activity , doing all she could to assist Matt in setting up the large barbecue , and then searching for dry wood to boil the water for the billy tea .
13 MacArthur maintained that the moves he had taken to break up the large banks would prevent a repetition of the devious methods formerly used to provide a subsidy for Japanese textile exports .
14 Since they look very similar even a regular buyer could pick up the larger size without realising it — but of course the scanner at the check out would recognise the different bar code and charge the correct amount .
15 Thomas picked up the larger typewriter .
16 Bonus payments tend to make up a larger share of earnings in Japan at about one-quarter of the total giving employers more room to adjust wages in line with changes in levels of economic activity .
17 To travel through London , clicking off the edge of most outdoor scenes will bring up a large map of London .
18 When the procession , which had now picked up a large following , reached Grassgill End the effigy was placed on a small stone area at the roadside , its clothes were drenched with paraffin and it was set alight .
19 Masklin crouched down , slowly , and picked up a large stone .
20 Among staff being sought are ‘ recruitment teams ’ who will flood industrial and commercial locations , signing-up white collar workers for membership , quickly building up a large customer base in the vital pre-Christmas trading period .
21 In fact , it is only a slight exaggeration to say that the main deterrent effect of monopoly policy has been not the threat of what changes might be required as a result of the MMC investigation , but the threat of having to tie up a large quantity of senior executives ' time to argue the firm 's case in the event that its activities attract a reference to the MMC .
22 I am told you have bought up a large quantity of corn lately , which has been the means of raising the price of corn to such a degree , as to incense the tinners so much against you … that I am credibly informed no less than a thousand of them will be with you tomorrow early : they are first to assemble at Chacewater and then proceed for Falmouth .
23 Conversely , if you are building up to a competition and wish to greatly increase your fitness and endurance , the FDR should be very intense and should make up a large part of your training .
24 Narrow , busy , and densely built , Lime Street was the poorest of the village streets , and probably provided homes for the labourers and artisans — clothworkers , candlemakers , quarrymen and others who made up a large part of the Stowey community in the late eighteenth century .
25 Accordingly , the 1987 regulations picked up a large part of the requirements of the Bank Accounts Directive , but not all of them .
26 Often taking up a large part of the composition , a sky establishes mood and atmosphere
27 Their written forms , like autobiographies , biographies , and interviews , make up a large part of contemporary western feminist literature .
28 Not surprisingly , given their perception of the adult social world , drinking , whether at home when their parents were out , or illegally in pubs , seemed to make up a large part of their activities .
29 It is this hard core of unemployed — that is , those who have been out of work longest — that makes up a large part of the new underclass .
30 Erm so do you feel that in the years that you 've worked here are women just as important in the factory and make up a large part of the workforce now as they , as they 've ever done ?
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