Example sentences of "up [art] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition computer artists Karl Sims , Rebecca Allen and Julia Hayward have provided animated speculations about the digital landscapes of the future which fill up the latter part of the show .
2 To back up the latter statement , Franco deployed reinforcements to the Pyrenees , the Campo de Gibraltar , the Balearic Islands and Spanish Morocco in April 1940 .
3 I will take up the latter point both in my Department and with my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary .
4 I was explaining that we had fallen in need of a housekeeper and an under-butler at one and the same time and Miss Kenton had arrived — with unusually good references , I recall — to take up the former post .
5 She too was saying that she had an urge to go down with her broom and sweep up the these building works .
6 They open up the these blast furnaces and the , we 'd all be in the open air and the reflection there used to be quite a reflection in the sky all round there .
7 Patshull Park Lake was ice free on Saturday but completely frozen on Sunday so two motor boats were used to break up the half inch thick ice for two hours .
8 The customer turned up the same day and wanted changes made .
9 You then consult that on the screen and print it out only if you think you are going to want to look up the same word again .
10 A Dwarf sees an extra Elf sitting up the same tree , about to fire an Elf Bow and strike down his rockbrother .
11 Young children will pass through a stage when they will believe that row A in the illustration below has the same number as row B because they ‘ look the same ’ ; they apparently take up the same space .
12 Erm and his claim that in fact the regional draft regional guidance er that has emerged is consistent with this alteration , is not really surprising since the same parties drew up the same document .
13 They would wash up the same way even if they were not watched .
14 It is important to return the rocks in the same position and up the same way as they were found , as some of the animals will perish if the rock is replaced incorrectly .
15 If we can get man set up the same way we 'll have a real world-beater on our hands . ’
16 And no , no , I would n't want her to end up the same way as I did . ’
17 They all end up the same way but you do it by different ways .
18 Rico d'Agostino started up the same kind of place in what used to be Hogan 's Bar only a few blocks away .
19 Why else would there already be the reported droves of tour operators and speculators visiting South Africa , if not to set up the same kind of hospitality package deals that South Africans were forced to buy in 1991 ?
20 After some agonizing over whether they were confident enough to do their respective jobs , ex-Big Flame member Tony Hodgson became Production Manager and Liz Cooper gave up her job as Circulation Manager of the New Statesman to take up the same position on the new paper .
21 He says he was a little bit fed up becausehe had to plough up the same strip of the field several times for the film crew .
22 Broker Cazenove , responsible for marketing the UK tranche of the share sale , failed to drum up the same level of enthusiasm exhibited in other centres .
23 ‘ I 'm hopeless with the till — I ring up the same price for everything and I 'm always worried a keen-eyed viewer will spot it ! ’
24 Further up the same road there were even more Walkers , all related , living at Botany Farm — William and Annie with one daughter , Marjorie , who was a little bit older than me .
25 and his trusty assistant , Detective Sergeant William Bird , were speeding up the same road .
26 Those who are not may choose the more attractive route , going north to Koblenz , turning right to follow the Rhine , turning left about 8km ( 5 miles ) after Kaiserstuhl to pick up the same road through Jestetten .
27 But another thing is you see where Sandra lives , you saying that where she lives is apparently erm P C , now I do n't know him , but she does he lives up the same road and when people park did n't she tell you this when we were coming down ?
28 However , another fisherman later claimed that he had dredged up the same body a few months earlier and , in the process of trying to recover it , the head had come off in his hands .
29 The Law of Property Act 1925 , taking up the same theme provided , by section 1(1) , that :
30 And Isaiah takes up the same theme in the fifty fifth chapter .
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