Example sentences of "up [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Riven was already thinking of bright hearths and warm beds as they made their way along the summits , following Bicker in single file now , their mounts ' hoofs throwing up bobbles of snow that were swept away into the air as quickly as they were kicked up .
2 One thin , ring-studded hand held the skirt up at the front but the back went trail , trail , trail on the ground , sweeping up wisps of hay with the feathers .
3 Yet average figures often cover up cases of hardship and even if in real terms salaries for some academics appear generous , others feel disadvantaged and discontent .
4 ‘ But it made a difficult situation impossible , caused distress to her and her husband and sounded the death knell on the marriage which until then , although in difficulties , neither of them had given up hope of saving . ’
5 However effective the departmental ordering , some central control is needed to balance up inequality of treatment between subjects , order interdisciplinary material , and fill in titles which for one reason or another have been missed .
6 16.30 : Write up part of diary .
7 Clairol 's Silver Shot ( £19.95 ) is a small , compact hairdryer that wo n't take up loads of room and it has all the advantages of its bigger , professional-style counterparts .
8 The forensic team crawled all over it , picking up scraps of wood fragments , traces of Ephraim 's clothes on the floor , even some of his blood .
9 He felt around inside , his long fingers picking up scraps of parchment .
10 ‘ They call that botched up bit of hand-sewing a golem ?
11 Follow up assessment of shunt patency has been undertaken using transabdominal ultrasound .
12 Then my torch showed up streaks of water running down the chimney stack .
13 Much time is spent by teacher-librarians in secondary schools in giving pupils busy introductions to reference books and library catalogues , and we saw in Chapter 3 how tutor-librarians in technical institutions along Hertfordshire lines had built up programmes of instruction in all aspects of information-seeking .
14 Asik became angry as he thought of all the people in his village who could have been saved by the fruit in the lorry which had just passed him , throwing up bucketfuls of dust into his face .
15 In other words these Guatemalan children show , as do Dennis 's institutionalized infants , that retardation during the first year or two of life is reversible , and that early experiences , however drastic at the time , do not necessarily set up patterns of behaviour that can not subsequently be modified .
16 It became clear to the teachers that many of the objectives of the research model identified above could be achieved by building up skills of co-observation and self-evaluation within and between teachers .
17 Howells maintained that Kylie represented the UP side of life and would be a continuing pop power because she would never lose the sense of fun she injected into every new project .
18 Drake easily told by greatly elongated central tail feathers , 4 in. of total length , combined with striking pattern of dark head and throat and white breast and stripe up side of neck .
19 The following evening , after a slogging nine-hour march over volcanic hills that threw up waves of heat , making me irritable and all of us tired and thirsty , we toiled up yet another rise and suddenly saw Lake Hertale below us .
20 Editor , — R H V Jones and colleagues in their follow up study of cancer deaths at home comment that patients ' pain was relieved more effectively than any of the other symptoms , But of the 207 patients in the study , 42 received only moderate relief of pain — and eight had no relief of pain in their final month of life .
21 Until recently , the word has always conjured up pictures of food , which imposed an artificial limit on the range of plants .
22 This is the position taken by Acker ( 1984b ) and by Rich ( 1979a ) who argues that the university is ‘ a system that prepares men to take up roles of power in a man-centred society ’ .
23 I do n't want to go religious on you , but the approach of April naturally conjures up images of Easter , and hence , the Lamb of God , lamb on the table , and all of that .
24 If doubt can conjure up images of heroism ( the David of Doubt standing up to the Goliath of Lies ) , it can just as easily represent what is most cowardly , indecisive and dictatorial in us all .
25 It is a bitter indictment of our own time that the phrase ‘ inner city ’ should today universally conjure up images of disorder , poverty , fear , vandalism , and alienation .
26 A limited marine transgression in the Roman period caused the formation of salt marsh in the northern part of the Fens , while the Fen rivers aggraded their courses and built up levees of silt .
27 Kings wanted to build up reserves of bullion for the very practical reason that it would enable them to recruit armies , and it was also true that gold and silver had a great power to dazzle men 's minds .
28 Dexter was constantly surprised by her resilience , her ability to summon up reserves of concentration and energy .
29 The little girl to whom Wolfgang had impudently proposed marriage when they were children was now Queen of France ; and tales of her extravagant lifestyle at the glittering court of Versailles were stirring up murmurs of discontent among ordinary Frenchmen , setting alight a fuse which 11 years later was to blow not only France but much of Europe apart .
30 Next I had to run errands and to do various little jobs like drawing a pint of vinegar from a big barrel in the warehouse or sawing up blocks of salt with a special saw into a prescribed thickness , ready to be packed in brown paper .
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