Example sentences of "up [prep] the night " in BNC.

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1 The experiments discussed in the previous section make it clear that most of the experiences which can be recalled if people are woken up through the night are not normally remembered in the morning .
2 ‘ You can stay here until we close up for the night , ’ she said .
3 ‘ Early on in that , the hero 's homeless and somebody puts him up for the night . ’
4 However , he was not thrown out , he was taken back to the station and locked up for the night .
5 When his father was tucked up for the night , the son would wander out into the garden and enjoy the cool air as a contrast to the fug of the sick-room .
6 After a long debate , they finally agreed to put us up for the night .
7 But she had insisted , and although the room was warm , and the kitchen stove had already been made up for the night , I had gone — yet it was a strange experience to me , and rather a frightening one , to have been persuaded by someone near to me into doing even so small a thing I felt to be hazardous . )
8 For a whiff the strong white birds floated proudly there , diving , clearing the weed , and waddling over to the house when my father summoned them , for food and to be shut up for the night .
9 The incident must have shocked them , so logically they 'd rest up for the night . ’
10 Nancy was able to come to Bedford and a kindly Methodist lady put her up for the night .
11 At the back of the house was a lock-up gaol and if any one caused any trouble they were locked up for the night , then transported the next morning by the local ‘ taxi ’ , which was a horse and cart , to the police station at Brough to be tried .
12 It would n't do any harm , either physically or financially , to have the two of them come up to London , possibly put them up for the night .
13 It requires an adult to participate and stay up for the night .
14 THE ORB , ambient-dance explorers , play an all-night rave at London 's Brixton Academy on June 5 , with Sensurround supporting and a premier of Orb movie Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld up for the night .
15 20.00 Prisoners return to cells ; locked up for the night
16 Their common lot was fierce parental discipline , even a man of a warm and kindly nature such as Samuel Pepys thought nothing of beating his 15-year-old maid with a broomstick , and locking her up for the night in his cellar , or whipping his boy-servant , or even boxing his clerk 's ears .
17 Call your friends and see if they can put you up for the night .
18 The boarding plank had been taken up for the night .
19 When the Watermen closed its doors , Connor locked up for the night and made his way upstairs .
20 The architect and his wife would put Eric up for the night and give us both a delicious dinner , the Signora exercising just the degree of chaperonage that was considered desirable at that time .
21 When they arrived back at the Incident Room the little printer was locking up for the night .
22 Through the Sound of Grunay , ever threading through a procession of rock islets and on to the northernmost island of Unst , where we tied up for the night at the little pier in Baltasound .
23 " Fixed up for the night ? "
24 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
25 Rex Mundi , Lazlo Woodbine and the two-headed offspring of a popular show-biz couple put up for the night in a room above the Tomorrowman Tavern .
26 Finally that evening the engine pulled into Maidstone where they disembarked , and were put up for the night at the local barracks of the Royal West Kents .
27 I did not like the idea very much as Sid was a smoker , and if he lit up during the night it was possible that we both could end up with a Blighty , or worse !
28 Naps during the daytime and waking up during the night would both increase ; these changes are often observed .
29 She was able to move safely from room to room in her house , and she could get up during the night to use her commode when necessary .
30 After fourteen dry nights the child has to drink two pints of fluid during the hour before bed in order to stress their bladders and test the children 's ability to wake up during the night .
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