Example sentences of "who [vb mod] see the " in BNC.

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1 One will be the doctor who has attended the person in their last illness who must see the body before completing the form , and another doctor who must also see the body .
2 Consider who should see the witness — you , a junior staff member or a reputable enquiry agent .
3 Towards the end , as the stage show of The King And I moved triumphantly from city to city , Rock began to feel like the boy who could see the emperor had no clothes .
4 Lewes and Chichester had continued to grow in dignity , no doubt helped by their lords who could see the tax potential .
5 Sure , these instruments would be bought only by committed musicians who would see the price as the cost of entry to the type of quality they need .
6 Brutus says that it would be the public who would see the effects of this sudden change of personality .
7 The cuts in government support , to be unveiled in the next 10 days , will prompt protests from travellers , railway unions , environmentalists and opposition MPs , who will see the decision as fresh evidence that the Government is fundamentally anti-rail .
8 While the consultation paper claims that ‘ the legislation should leave full scope for professional judgement ’ and while it insists that the law will provide a framework , ‘ not a straitjacket ’ , there are many who will see the legislation as the culmination of a strategy to whip teachers into line .
9 Persons wishing to complain but who have difficulty in explaining their case will be put in touch with a solicitor on the Interview Panel , who will see the complainant and will help to put together the information needed for presentation to the SCB .
10 If the review form referral box is ticked an appointment to attend hospital outpatients is sent to the patient and the database sends a copy of the general practitioner or optometrist review findings to the appropriate hospital clinic doctor who will see the patient in outpatients .
11 Two custom-built stairways have also been made for the rear of the seat scaffolding to allow access for the 546 people who will see the performance .
12 If the body is to be cremated , two doctors must sign a certificate — but the first doctor will instruct the second doctor who can see the body in the chapel of rest or at the mortuary .
13 The best undergraduate studies usually come from the students who can see the possible application of a theory or concept to a specific empirical example .
14 Despite all these handicaps , the Convertible is an important machine because it removes the risk for those people who can see the potential of pen computing , but do n't want to commit themselves completely .
15 Do n't shake your head Mr , read the letters that are coming to me , from those schools like who can see the reduction in their budget next year .
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