Example sentences of "who [vb mod] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 I ask him to remember that there are the rights of the Opposition and the rights of those outside the House , who ought to have the opportunity to influence our decisions .
2 She considered it a great risk , and that others were involved in the company who ought to share the risk .
3 ( Champagne 's a tradition set by the early pioneers for those who dare to cross the Timor Sea . )
4 Alas , mythology usually relates that those who dare to challenge the gods pay a stiff price for their temerity .
5 Every case of sickness or misfortune is claimed by him as a judgement against the upstarts who dare to challenge the legitimacy of his rule .
6 Was there just one lady who used to do the abortions at er or lots of different people ?
7 The till , the till locks , and erm we used to assemble those as well and er it was a fortunate one who used to do the lacquering , there was a big er big erm heated table and er it was easy work to do the lacquering you see and you used to have to put them on the top of the heated tower to dry before they were packed to go away , but erm they were , it was a hard place to work for but er the one son Mr he was always in London and er this is n't being recorded now is it , is it ?
8 He found it strange that he had just buried Tosspot who used to clean the platters and tankards in this very tavern .
9 This would not matter , were it not for the apparent demise of the Liberals , who used to hold the balance in the Bundestag and whose defection brought down Helmut Schmidt 's government in October .
10 And er the cars then of course were all painted in , there were no cellulose paint , we had a paint shop there but er it , and we had an old painter who used to paint the cars in enamel and they were an awful lot of work on them .
11 ‘ We had an old tom cat who used to take the fish — ’
12 He is , although this may seem incredible , the kind of man who used to rule the world ! ’
13 Serfaty , who used to dismiss the human rights movement as bourgeois liberalism , then heard from his family that Amnesty International had adopted him as a prisoner of conscience , jailed for the peaceful expression of his political ideas .
14 Anyone reading this who used to use The Guardian as a mirror in the mornings to find out what they thought about the issues of the day is likely to be in for a shock if they try to do the same today .
15 There is no ‘ Rh ’ prefix in Gaelic and the Rhum H was added by the Bulloughs , a notorious wealthy family who used to own the island .
16 She did quite a wholesale trade with pedlars who used to retail the goods door to door in the surrounding villages .
17 Instead they sent a message to Chaman , who used to visit the village every so often .
18 Like one of the marauding buccaneers who used to terrorise the Mediterranean coasts , he could have taken her there and then , and she could have done little to stop him .
19 The only people what did have a motor in that , at that particular time was the harbourmaster of Pinn Mill cos they always used to call er er er one bloke down there who used to moor the ships up at Bottoman 's Bay and er th th th he used to get a retainer from the Ipswich Dock Commission and all he w all he had to do was make sure that was clear of , for shipping , if there was a yacht in the way he 'd go and tell them to move and he was what the we used to call him Pinn Mill Harbourmaster .
20 That 's what you 'd expect from some of the bitter old farts who used to fill the magazine with self-indulgent whimsy about lawnmowers and the ex-colonial buffers who let their subscriptions lapse when India was granted independence .
21 The sun took its toll in August when I went to Britford Sheep Fair with my Uncle Arthur , a civil servant who used to have the whole month for holiday and returned home to learn that Ron Stanley , a schoolmate who lived in The Friary , had died from sunstroke .
22 It was n't so much fun nowadays , not since Frank and Salome Asmoyah , the black yuppy couple who used to have the flat above me , moved to their much plusher Limehouse pad complete with mortgage repayments delivered in envelopes with black edges .
23 Simmo the man who used to have the Manor Ground singing is now the darling of the Derby crowd … he scored two in their seven goal thrashing of Southend on Wednesday night …
24 There was Mr and then a bit further up on the right hand side was a fella who used to have the contract for making the bread for the
25 DAVID Brown , who used to run the DIAL office in Kingsley Centre , is now the Arthritis Care home visitor for an area which covers East Hampshire , into Hart and Rushmoor , and parts of South West Surrey .
26 I 'll tell you who we saw — do you remember Gladys Harker , who used to run the pie-shop ? ’
27 Now Mr he is the garage proprietor , who used to supply the bicycles , he supplied the motorcycle and sidecar , that was a start .
28 And Kenny Everett , who used to host the programme before mine when I was doing Family Favourites on Radio Two , was forever sending me up with his impersonation of Michael Aspirin — or was it Mike Collapsible ?
29 It 's hard to believe that the man who used to play the bass in a sullen and studenty pop group called The Housemartins is the creator of this year 's most significant number one single , but the success of ‘ Dub Be Good To Me ’ is a sing that things have truly changed for the better .
30 Well erm you see although I learned shorthand and typing it was better money and that was the reason I had to do it , I 've passed my exams in shorthand but er probably there were n't enough offices then to employ a good many clerks , but erm they er it was a very big fellow who used to ring the bell and the bell was on the outside , he was named Tom but I ca n't for the life of me think erm what his other name was but , erm it used to put the fear through us I can tell you if we were around the corner and we heard that bell ringing but erm they , they were a good firm to work for and , but they were strict but everywhere was strict in those days , we had to accept it but it was a long long hours , but erm they knew I had some , I , I enjoyed it and I 'd go back again only I 'm too old .
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