Example sentences of "who [vb base] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Exact numbers are unavailable : 2.5 to three million is the accepted figure , though 70 years of cultural and religious suppression , intermarriage and assimilation means that the real number — in Zionist terms those who qualify for automatic Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return — may be far higher .
2 So , at Royal Insurance we decided to develop a NEW high quality home CONTENTS insurance policy especially for the over 50s who qualify for lower insurance premiums .
3 So , people who qualify for maximum benefit will still have to pay one fifth of the Community Charge .
4 For those who qualify for this extra help the reduction will be equal to the community charge minus £52 .
5 Unemployment Benefit recipients with a Spouse who is not working will usually have an income low enough for those who qualify for topping-up Supplementary Benefit .
6 The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive , headed by a President elected for four years , the legislative branch , Congress , which comprises the Senate ( with 100 members who sit for six years , one-third being elected every two years ) and the House of Representatives ( with 435 members elected every two years ) , and the judicial branch , headed by the Supreme Court .
7 But hard-core addicts , who account for four-fifths of all consumption , are taking as much as ever .
8 Its virtual monopoly on the allegiance of the Ovambo , who account for more than half Namibia 's population of 1.3 million , all but guarantees Swapo more than half the voters .
9 The symbol of each of the 10 contesting parties is printed on ballot papers for the illiterate voters who account for 60 per cent of the electorate .
10 There is certainly a case for insisting on the democratic control of the EMS , but that means getting more , not less involved in European politics , messy , complex and frustrating as they may be to those who long for simple black-and-white , left-and-right simplicities .
11 The second point is that precisely because legal conservatism values precedent , and will overturn prior cases only rarely , those who hope for great sea-changes in the law with the appointment of politically friendly judges are often disappointed .
12 The people to be interviewed are known as freight forwarding agents , who act for individual exporters and importers .
13 Those who act for both sides will still have to satisfy the selectors that they can conduct actions properly on behalf of patients . )
14 Philip Williams has drawn a distinction between Labour party leaders who are Path-finders , who look for new solutions or try to lead the party in new directions , and stabilizers , who are concerned above all with preserving party unity .
15 He left when he was eighteen , presumably with the cry so often heard from those who look for instant wisdom in courses designed primarily to foster skills by which such discrimination may be attained : " the course can not give me what I am looking for " .
16 Those who vote for that addendum would you please stand .
17 In some cases the day centres genuinely act as training centres , preparing those who attend for eventual independence , while in others the aim is simply to offer a daily change of environment and relief to their families for those too handicapped ever to lead independent lives .
18 The aim is that those young people who opt for early leaving would themselves be substantial gainers .
19 If he were tempted to decide against Mrs. McLoughlin , he would indeed ask himself whether any principled distinction could be drawn between her case and the case of mothers who recover for emotional damage suffered at the scene .
20 And for agencies that supply some goods or services for purchase there are the consumers who pay for individual units of collectively provided goods .
21 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
22 New tests have been introduced for candidates who apply for top council posts in Sefton .
23 Paul Jackson , for example , the Director of Programmes for Carlton Television , said a little while ago ‘ those who argue for Current Affairs to stay in peak time are just not accepting things as they are .
24 Those who argue for participatory democracy believe active citizenship can not be established within the limitations set by the existing liberal-democratic framework .
25 Egalitarian feminists who argue for more women psychologists acknowledge the contradictions in the strategy .
26 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
27 Older people who have fewer than eight main meals each week , or who go for long periods of the day without food , are considered to be especially at risk .
28 ‘ They are a people who ask for little but who are enormously and genuinely grateful for any help ’ , wrote one official who witnessed a terrible drought in Masailand in the early 1960s : ‘ They live a hard life uncomplainingly . ’
29 Accreditation is of little relevance to those who compete for senior academic posts , which are decided on the basis of academic achievement .
30 In each case , it is the Creole which is reacted to : in ( 1 ) , by J , who responds " you ca n't " , and in ( 2 ) by all the parties to the conversation , who laugh for three seconds — rather a long laugh .
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