Example sentences of "who [vb base] to the " in BNC.

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1 Students , who tend to the left , can choose whether to register in their parents ' homes or where they live in term time .
2 Neither do the thousands of tourists and reggae devotees from abroad who flock to the annual ‘ reggae sunsplash ’ .
3 But in the important area of mountain lunches , for example , my experiences ( and the distilled findings of those who report to The Good Skiing Guide on such matters ) point to parity between France and Switzerland , with Austria and Italy providing worthwhile savings .
4 However there are , of course , some very good coroners who say to the inspector at the outset , ‘ You go ahead and do your job of investigating the cause of the accident and I will carry out my formal inquiry into the cause of death , and in those areas where our activities tend to overlap let us co-operate together but equally let us not interfere with each other in respect of those matters in which we are not qualified to make judgements . ’
5 However , both in the home and within the huge power stations , coal is taking a hammering from environmental lobbyists who object to the depletion of fossil fuels and the atmospheric pollution caused by their use .
6 On behalf of this group I would like to present to the Council a petition containing in excess of two thousand signatures from people throughout the metropolitan district who object to the originally reported suggestion that Metropolitan Council are proposing to make byelaws requiring that all dogs should be kept on leads at all times in all public places .
7 Bethany Megan Robinson says residents of Hammond Drive who object to the closure of Loraine Crescent do so because it stops them taking a short cut .
8 John believes there should be tougher sentences for violent criminals , rather than clogging up the jails with those who object to the poll tax .
9 These are paragliders ; mad fools who climb to the top of Munros and jump off .
10 To be exact , it is the church choir who climb to the roof top of the northwest tower of the Minster , open their hymn books and sing :
11 ‘ In most record companies , it 's the junior members of staff who listen to the tapes and then refer them upwards .
12 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
13 Here I want to vary the times so that I hear from a true cross-section of our listeners , and those who listen to the graveyard shift , for instance , probably never hear the breakfast show .
14 Here , inconsistency refers to conflicts within the evidence of one or more witnesses who speak to the same version of the facts .
15 The real problems are caused by directors who cling to the dead forms of classic Hollywood .
16 The division between those who look naturally to the private sector and those who look to the public is geographical as much as ideological .
17 Although this amendment would not apply to any method other than dumping ( such as penetrometers or drilled emplacement ) , it would form an unwelcome precedent for those who look to the ocean as a solution to their problems of managing waste .
18 In a quite different vein , individualists who look to the properties of individuals to explain social affairs are inspired by a belief in a conception of autonomy .
19 The hon. Member for Newry and Armagh ( Mr. Mallon ) has raised issues of considerable importance to disabled people in his constituency and to all those affected by disability in Northern Ireland , who look to the grant scheme to work efficiently and speedily for them .
20 Metrocast already needs frequency-agile paging to cope with the fragmented US market , and this is now being extended for British businessmen who travel to the States .
21 Those who travel to the stars and back will find
22 It also looks after United Distillers and Guinness Brewing Worldwide employees and makes sure that those who travel to the far flung parts of Guinness 's empire have the right inoculations and advice for their trips .
23 Asked whether people who give to the WWF to protect such things as pandas , whales and rainforests realized that their money is also being used in this way , in particular to support the bloodsport of angling , he said he had never thought of angling as a bloodsport and donations had been listed in their magazine .
24 A society has no ‘ owners ’ but has ‘ members ’ who lend to the society by buying shares which are in effect deposits .
25 The cultivation of creativity is the most important requirement of men who aspire to the highest reaches of the transcendent world .
26 As well as the academic and professional qualifications , accountants who aspire to the de rigueur red braces must also have personal characteristics that set them apart .
27 Its demarcation from those other professional analysts who cater to the mass market , has had to be made as severe as possible .
28 You bring lots of people in at junior management and through a series of apprenticeships you cream off the people who get to the top .
29 Those who get to the top use interpersonal skills rather than force .
30 There is also a natural reluctance to own up to being a ‘ failure ’ , so the students who do vanish probably include a higher percentage of unemployed people than do those who respond to the universities ' questions .
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