Example sentences of "who [vb base] [art] high " in BNC.

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1 It is the consonant sounds which make speech intelligible ; therefore it is not surprising that people who lose the high frequencies tend to hear the voice but not to be able to distinguish words .
2 Like the dozens of blue uniformed Serbs , who hold the high ground around outlying Serbian villages to the east of Sarajevo , the bands of Muslims who greeted me on the other side with loud applause expected I would somehow provide aid .
3 People with schizophrenia who are discharged from hospital to live with relatives who are over-critical , disapproving or who express a high level of anxiety and tension , are more likely to suffer early relapse than those returning to a neutral or tolerant atmosphere , and spending less time in daily contact with other members of the family , possibly by attending a day centre or going to work , seems to help some sufferers to cope with an emotionally charged home environment .
4 From the point of view of those who have a high doctrine of the mind , the Cartesian developments of the seventeenth century were ambiguous .
5 Certain susceptible groups such as pregnant women and children , who have a high calcium requirement , should do their utmost to ensure sufficient vitamin D is present in the diet .
6 They are also likely to include members who have a high profile in the community and their enthusiasm for the school , or lack of it , may be very influential on others .
7 I 'm looking to select patients who have a high pressure and a low flow and for the sake of this study I 've drawn my lines at fifty centimetres of water for detrusor pressure during voiding and , and er fifteen mils per second .
8 If we claim our interest is to focus on the writing produced only by a sophisticated elite , and that we determine the best literature is that which , in terms of generic structure , subject , and eloquent rhetoric , concerns itself with the preoccupations of males who have a high social and political standing , then the traditional canon will serve the majority of our needs .
9 ‘ The IRA know that members of our party or the DUP who have a high media and public profile will be well-watched by the security forces either visibly or covertly , ’ said the unionist councillor .
10 A thrilling squeal goes up from the mid-teen moshers who comprise a high proportion of the audience when they see Hetfield striding to the stage-front for the opening ‘ Enter Sandman ’ guitar in hand , after everyone had been resigned to the quaint prospect of their fave leonine frontman reduced to a vocals-only role due to his injured left hand .
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