Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 He would go to see Joseph Fouché personally , and explain the position to him : that he had uncovered a massive international conspiracy of Jews who planned to take over the whole of Europe .
2 A woman who tried to take over Swindon Town Football Club has been giving evidence against the former manager Lou Macari , who 's on trial for tax fraud .
3 We finished our shift at 8 and he was going at 9 , but at 8 , instead of the usual people who came to take over from us , the managing director of the company and his next-door neighbour came in their golfing clothes to pick up whatever tip was being given and we were told to push off .
4 Ross , who 'd taken over the industrial empire founded by his father , Sir David Wyndham , had been planning to develop and broaden the company 's overseas operations .
5 She looked at Mairi , who happened to glance over and catch her eye ; and the woman howled and started to moan at the very sight of the wee lass .
6 He took great care to have his children brought up as members of his Church , though eventually all three who survived went over to that of their mother .
7 The woman who sang wandered over , carrying her sheets of music , and stopped to say a few words to Dr Rafaelo before going up to the little stage and setting up her recording deck to accompany her nightly concert .
8 However , the two cardinals who did take over the musical reforms the Pope 's young nephew Carlo Borromeo and Vitellozzo Vitellozzi were men of intelligence and culture .
9 Curiously , he was not deported , a sentence which in the two years immediately after the war was handed down to at least fifty young people who had come over on the Kindertransporte .
10 At the end of the match Comte Ghislain de Vogüé of Moët et Chandon , who had come over from France especially for the match and the luncheon that preceded it ; and Viscountess Marchwood , wife of the managing director of Moët et Chandon UK , presented the Moët et Chandon prizes , and Miss Liz Kershaw the publisher of Harpers & Queen presented the Harpers & Queen trophy .
11 Falling under the spell of an older , flamboyantly dressed and well-educated kinsman , Esme Stuart , who had come over from France , he was suspected of dangerously Papist leanings and of some unnatural sexual habits .
12 I had already employed an attendant , Toril , who had come over from Norway at the end of July to help me during and after my move .
13 Everyone was wandering around the house getting everything ready for my uncle who had come over from Nigeria .
14 Janina 's father was a Polish Jew who had come over to Britain to fight in the war .
15 Second , the Old English , descendants of settlers who had come over with the first wave of English conquest during the Middle Ages .
16 Marjorie made a moue at Isobel , who had walked over to the cot in the far comer of the room and was standing in the same apparently relaxed but watchful posture she had displayed downstairs .
17 The explosions were now occurring in the area they had just evacuated , probably inflicting casualties on the British troops who had taken over the German trenches .
18 The official figures showed the party membership to be around 650,000 ; the real figures were well known to be far below that number , possibly below 300,000 , with an undue proportion being middle-class activists who had taken over old and decaying working-class parties or management committees .
19 It was clear , too , that Kanhai , who had taken over the leadership from Sobers , was coming to the end of his career and that whoever took over from him would have the opportunity for an extended run in the job if he were successful .
20 I then had dinner with Trevor Clay , who had taken over at the Royal College of Nursing , and he also agreed that such an offer would be enough to bring them back into negotiation .
21 There was the young woman and her baby who had moved into the space above the coach-house , and there was the noisy couple from Luton who had taken over the empty servants ' quarters up the back stairs .
22 Ripples of applause greeted the great grey as he cantered past the stands to the start under jockey Richard Dunwoody , who had taken over as Desert Orchid 's regular partner on the retirement of Simon Sherwood .
23 They proposed that they became Frankish vassals in return for protection against the expanding might of Abd-ar-Rahman the Ommeyad , who had taken over virtually the whole of Spain .
24 Lt. Hancock , who had taken over ‘ B ’ Flight of 185 Squadron after Innes Westmacott was wounded , crash-landed when his engine failed due to fuel starvation ; a fault had prevented his being able to switch over tanks .
25 By 1802 John Wayland — a member of a famous Frome family , some of whom were to be very eminent in Baptist circles in America — was the new owner , and rates on it cost him 4d. ; lucky old Mrs. Muir , then , who had taken over by 1804 , and was only charged half the price …
26 An Italian , Gionesca , was absent from parade one morning as we lined up for inspection by the Sergeant-Major ; Corporal Herve , a scarred Frenchman who had taken over from Vigno as duty NCO , went upstairs to find him .
27 The man responsible for instigating change was Robin Darwin who had taken over as Rector on 1 January 1948 .
28 He was horrified to find that a British grocery family , close relatives of the Jews who had taken over his lands , had title to the property .
29 Blanche introduced the sergeant to Dave Pushell , who had taken over from Ken O'Mara as the new editor of Inside Out just before the murder .
30 Writing to the Countess of Rutland in 1670 from his ‘ uncouth cell ’ in the Fleet prison , where he had been committed for debt , Crowe was scathing about the quality of the tapestries produced by William , Earl of Craven [ q.v. ] , and his associates who had taken over from him at Mortlake in 1667 .
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