Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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31 Myo Nyunt in a speech on Aug. 15 , 1989 , accused traders who failed to cut the price of rice , meat and fish of " aiming at political and economic instability " .
32 Their critical comments about Marxism-Leninism led them into confrontation with the college authorities , who failed to bring the students back into line .
33 But for some who failed to master the course , it 'll be a long and lonely drive home .
34 Muller , 21 , of Millbuie Farm , Skene , Aberdeenshire , who admitted contravening the 1809 Concealment of Birth ( Scotland ) Act , was placed on probation for a year .
35 Scott 's estranged wife , Yvonne ( 25 ) , who admitted attacking the RUC constables , avoided prison because she is five months pregnant with McKinney 's child .
36 Gordon Orchard , a 61-year-old former Coldstream guardsman , who admitted abducting the child last summer , had 50 previous convictions , including indecent assault and attempted rape , but was sentenced as if they did not exist .
37 Essentially the case involved a youth leader of the Red Cross , who admitted joining the Red Cross to bring him closer to young girls , whom he had been abusing for thirty years .
38 From the age of thirty , according to Foxe , he devoted his whole mind to the study of religion and he was a member of a group which included Tyndale , Coverdale and Latimer who met to discuss the writings of Luther and other Reformers at the White Horse Inn in Cambridge .
39 Published by the International Development Research Centre ( IDRC ) in Canada , the papers were prepared by media theoreticians and practitioners from across the African continent who met to discuss the use of media to relay development information .
40 He also held public meetings to discuss the concept of past-life regression , at which he would play to anyone who cared to listen the taped recordings of his experimental sessions .
41 It was these northern gentry who became the model for those who sought to save the influence of the nobility by involving it in a movement for reform and economic progress .
42 So here was an instance of the son of a local worthy insisting on recording his name differently from his father , making sure the charge was not described as a mangonel , and further trying to ensure that any of his father 's descendants who sought to use the arms should spell their name Magnall , a form from which it is difficult if not impossible to divine the relevance and punning nature of the heraldic charge .
43 The rootedness of Labour 's new-found socialism in wartime democratic nationalism posed serious problems to those who sought to use the Labour party as a vehicle for pacifism .
44 Thus at times one of the Whig connections might work together with a Tory connection in the service of the administration , and they would be opposed by a combination of Whigs and Tories who were out of office and who sought to mobilise the independent back-benchers to put pressure on the government .
45 Rome was a city of warring families who sought to control the senate and the senators and , of course , the pope himself .
46 One of the most ambitious and colourful of diffusionist theories is undoubtedly that advanced by the English anatomist Eliot Smith ( 1871–1937 ) , a contemporary both of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown , who sought to explain the global distribution of mummification and other exotic practices .
47 It was not until just before the turn of the present century that it was revived by those who sought to promote the occult and a New Age mentality .
48 The faculty argued that her treatment had been exactly the same as that of any other applicant , regardless of his or her race or colour , who sought to join the bar .
49 Those fellow-travellers of communism who sought to dupe the American people into arms control at lower levels were not identified but implied .
50 On the uniformitarian side , in my glorious over-simplification , were the Whigs or Liberals who sought to dispute the absolute rule of a monarchy as the natural state of affairs and were in favour of majority rule .
51 But that rhetoric , the proletarian and liberating ideology of Marxism , concealed the profound clash of interest between intelligentsia and workers , between those who sought to maximize the state budget at their disposal for investment and redistribution , and those who wished to realize the full value of , and exercise real control over , their own labour .
52 In the elder days they were relatively empty lands , occupied by those who sought to escape the more civilised realms and return to nature .
53 One skipper who sought to reduce the carnage discovered that trapped dolphins could be released from nets by the use of a manoeuvre which came to be known as ‘ backdown . ’
54 As to a levy , I am surprised that the hon. Member for Newham , North-East , with his experience as Chairman of the Select Committee on Employment , is not aware of the experience of employers throughout the country who sought to operate the levy that we used to have , which was recognised on all sides as a failure .
55 He was the first of a new generation of writers who sought to repair the post-Conquest destruction of earlier pieties and observances by steady persistence in re-creating the past .
56 Significantly , his successor was not a football player at all but a journalist who got to know the Arsenal chairman while working as a society correspondent for the New York Herald .
57 Osred with his supporters , led by a nobleman , Berhtfrith ( possibly a son of the Berhtred who perished fighting the Picts in 698 ) , was at Bamburgh .
58 When the new owners who proposed to convert the barn first saw it in 1978 , the whole structure had been used for stabling horses , and accordingly , brick partitions had been erected to form stalls inside .
59 Who promised to give the voters ‘ 9d for 4d ’ ?
60 So , the final batch of Computex machines were delivered during the last week of August to the Liverpool subcontractor , who promised to deliver the ZX machines on or before the last day of August .
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