Example sentences of "who can [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The product is aimed at engineers and scientists who can build software modules called virtual instruments instead of writing cryptic text-based programs .
2 BUSINESS Expansion Schemes share issues may appeal to those who can forego access to part of their savings for five years in return for sheltering these funds from tax .
3 A minister who can applaud dole staff redundancies and then claim that those clerks who keep their jobs will find them more interesting , is obviously in the wrong post .
4 And there is no pleasure left in the life of the rich : for who can tell lumpfish from caviare any more , and caviare is cholesterol-rich anyway , and forbidden : and when the rich grow old and hired nurses dab away the dribble , can you trust the nurse to love you , or does she hate you ?
5 he said looking for a little boy who can do building work
6 and I said I 've got a little boy who can do building work , he mixes cement in the cement mixer
7 Is only Paul who can do gravy , so he tells us
8 Much more cost effective is n't it if things to be done once rather than have to do reading them two or three times and generally the reason that things are repeated a number of times is that perhaps people are not really quite sure or not that that are systems , yet productivity the better trained people are people who can do things , get it right the first time and they can do more work ca n't they than somebody else you are not having to pick it up as the manager responsible and put mistakes right .
9 Mr Skelhorn said : ‘ If there is anyone out there who can do charity events , raffles or anything else , we would be extremely grateful . ’
10 Mr Skelhorn said : ‘ If there is anyone out there who can do charity events , raffles or anything else , we would be extremely grateful . ’
11 B I wan na know say , this guy is an impen — independent guy who can do fings on is own , I ca n't find I ca n't find all that shi%%eries in a day !
12 I 've contacts who can do business stuff , consultations , after dinner speeches if we 're lucky ,
13 One might also predict that context would be of most use to individuals who have acquired rapid word-recognition skills and who can integrate word meanings rapidly .
14 But who can blame UEFA , post-Heysel , for coming down on the side of life and limb before either is lost ?
15 She was not like an 'orse who can 'ave bébés every year !
16 This is the generation who can hold society together .
17 If you feel you have been harassed or discriminated against in any way , you can raise the matter locally or use the network of Harassment Advisers who can offer support and guidance .
18 So anyone who can offer timber — should contact The Shakespeare Globe Trust , Bear Gardens , Bankside , London SE1 9EE , 071 928 7710 .
19 The members of the preservation group are very keen to improve their engineering expertise , and would be interested in hearing from any member who can offer advice .
20 And there are still people who can shout blasphemy or heresy and demand the same bishop 's resignation when he makes so self-evident , commonsense a statement as that the Resurrection can not be definitively ‘ proved ’ .
21 ‘ I 'm sure Signorina Hastings has staff in London who can handle business in her absence , ’ Stephanie Marsa put in , her cool , high voice precise and colourless .
22 This MTh programme is geared particularly to ministers and other professionals who can devote sabbatical leave to 6 months ' resident study .
23 They concentrate on showing themselves as knowledgeable rather than involved , as experts who can impart information .
24 Jeremy is coming with me but he is too young to do this alone , and in any case I 'm the only one who can deploy O'Brien . ’
25 The seven year old who shows outstanding promise when playing the violin , the eight year old who is fascinated with negative numbers , the four year old who can read fluently , the eleven year old who can design computer programmes … must have these gifts cherished , not have them dismissed or confined .
26 We feel very strongly that people should have access to solicitors who have knowledge of immigration law , and who can protect people by explaining the difficult legislation and regulations dealing with immigration policy .
27 The politicians may say Blah but the computers go on saying 0110100 or whatever it is , and it 's the people who can make sense of that who 'll be in the top bunk when the dam breaks .
28 Being an available technology and the only one that can deliver high quality interactive video , videodiscs continue to be used in training , especially in dedicated applications commissioned by large corporations who can make sense of the economics .
29 He is not looking for people who can make decisions for him , but people through whom he can implement his decisions .
30 You are n't the only one who can make plans , you know . ’
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